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Jungkook squirmed feeling harsh rays of sunlight hitting his face early in the morning disturbing his peaceful slumber.

He squints his tired and sleepy eyes open, looking at the source of the harsh sunlight coming from the window that was left uncovered by them due to being busy with something important.

Jungkook looked at it annoyingly before his vision saw someone else. His pretty. Taehyung was deep in sleep with his front facing Jungkook's as his back faced the torture of sunlight.

Jungkook, open-mouth stares shamelessly taking the beauty of Taehyung. The way the pretty eyelash rests against the full pink cheeks, of how his swollen lips turn into a cute pout with his cheek pressed against the pillow.

The way the blanket did not did justice in covering the gorgeous tan body of his. The sun-kissed glow on his back was even more inviting. He glanced down at  the brownish erected bud of the omega that was left open to stare.

It made him gulp hard as he felt something twitch. He closed his eyes, taking the blanket and covering Taehyung up till his shoulder and leaned in very tenderly without disturbing the omega, he pecks his lips.


He calms himself down before his junior would be up, standing up and going towards the window to switch on the blinds. The room darknes without any sign of light now.

He looks at the clock and saw the timing. It was already ten, it wasn't a holiday so means that had office which they missed and Jungkook knows how professional Taehyung is at work.

So now that he is awake might as well do some things. He quickly called his secretary to tell him about his absence. Though he is the CEO but still he is a human and he needs off sometimes. In his absence the COO will do the deed.

With now his office off settled, he took the omega's phone, password remembereed by heart. It is necessary for partners to know each other phone well, it creates trust.

He called the only person he knows in Taehyung's office which was Choi Hyun-jin, a beta. He quickly updated him about Taehyung's absence from the office today.

Now with all the work finished, he glanced back at Taehyung's sleepy figure as he was sitting on the bed. He stares at the beauty unable to process the love that he feels everytime he sees the omega.

"The things I do for you pretty, you have no idea how much love I have to show you. Just be with me and I lay everything under your feet"

Jungkook whispered in the darkness, the madness in his eyes shining as he just stared at the elder without blinking.
He lays down, hands wrapping up Taehyung's waist as he snuggled closer.

He let his forehead touch the omega's and just stares at him before heavy sleep overtook his senses.


Jimin sighed, looking at the beautiful living room from the couch that he was seated on. Yoongi invited him to his house to spend some time with the omega and who was he to deny that.

He doesn't know Yoongi a lot and these things will make him know the alpha a little more. The house was enormous, a mansion. Big and classy.

Jimin sighed again because from the time he has entered he was left alone in the living room with Yoongi doing God knows what.

He smiled when he saw the alpha bringing him some refreshments and keeping it onto the table in front of the couch where he was seated, before taking a seat next to him.

"Sorry for making you wait much"

" problem"

He says making yoongi smile a little relaxed now, he was nervous of how to say this but he knew he had too or else he and Jimin, both would be hurt.

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