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Taehyung gazed across his apartment, feeling a deep wave of emptiness wash over him. The room, covered in dust from months of neglect, looked sad and lonely without its owner's care. Once filled with life and energy, it now seemed desolate and forgotten, echoing the loneliness he felt inside his heart.

Taehyung never thought he would return to his apartment so soon after living with Jungkook. He had even decided to rent it out so the tenants would take care of it. But now, here he was, his plans in the dustbin and his hopes shattered.

Drip by drip

Tears leaked from his eyes slowly before he screamed out loud, not having enough strength in his body he let himself slide to the floor and weeped loud for the loss that his heart had to face.

He felt betrayed by Jungkook, the man he loved so much. He had thought that finally, he could see a future with Jungkook by his side, but now those hopes were shattered.

Taehyung couldn't understand why he had such bad luck from the beginning. His parents passed away when he was young, leaving his brother as his only support. In school, he faced constant teasing for being a beautiful omega, accused of using his looks to manipulate others. The hurtful comments continued in college, making him feel even more alone and hopeless.

He had put up walls around himself, protecting his inner child from getting hurt. But Jungkook's persistent, sincere-or so he thought-efforts broke down those barriers. Jungkook carved out a space for himself in the omega's heart.

And now, just when he was finally happy, fate intervened once more, snatching it all away.

It snatched his parents.

It snatched his childhood.

It snatched his dream to be a model.

It snatched his Jungkook.

Or Jungkook himself destroyed their relationship.

Taehyung lay on the dirty floor, his face pale and streaked with tears that seemed to flow endlessly. Never before had he regretted life as intensely as he did in that moment. Exhausted and weak, his body had not eaten all day, consumed by stress and relentless crying. His thoughts were a turbulent sea, crashing and swirling, leaving him alone in a storm of despair.

The room around him was a blur, its dingy walls closing in as if to suffocate him under the weight of his own emotions. Each breath felt like a Herculean task, his chest heaving with the effort. Memories of happier times flitted through his mind like ghosts, mocking him with their unattainable joy.

With each passing moment, his strength waned further, the world fading to a distant hum. He wanted to seek solace in the void. But there was nothing-only silence and darkness creeping at the edges of his vision.

Finally, his body gave in to the relentless tide of exhaustion. His eyes fluttered shut, and he succumbed to unconsciousness, his body unable to bear any more.

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