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"Ready to go Bryn?" Her father asked her as he drew up to her school.

Bryn slung her designer bag over her shoulder and she closed her book as she stood. She made her way over to her father's car and sat inside.

"Yeah dad, let's go." She said with a small smile.

It was a Wednesday and school had ended. Bryn had stayed after for writing club but she had to leave practice early to go to her doctor's appointment. It was nothing too big - just a normal check up that happened biannually. It was a mundane, but necessary affair.

Her dad started the car again and began driving. As he did, Bryn pulled out her book and buried her face back into it. Unfortunately for her, Flynn had gotten ahold of her copy of "To kill a Mockingbird" when she wasn't looking and had scribbled over every page in black marker. The pages he didn't have time to scribble over, he tore out, as evident in the careless tears scattered throughout her book.

Bryn wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of buying a new book. Instead, she continued to read from her current copy like there wasn't anything wrong with it.

Screw you, Flynn McLean. Bryn thought grumpily.
What's he got against me? I don't even know the guy and he's after me like he's got some sort of personal vendetta against me! She thought in frustration.

No matter how hard she wracked her brain, she could never remember what she might have done that would have caused him to act like this. Bryn hated not knowing things and this was driving her insane.

"Honey, we're here." Her father said gently, disrupting her foul thoughts towards Flynn.

She followed her dad into the hospital that she had visited since she was a child. After a thirty minute wait the nurse came in and informed her that the doctor was ready to see her. Once the preliminary things were out of the way - weighing her, measuring her height, and giving her a survey - the doctor walked in with a clipboard.

"Hey Bryn, how's it going?" Asked Dr. Webster, her doctor since the sixth grade.

"Everything's fine, Dr. Webster." She said with a weak smile.

"That's good to hear. We're just doing a basic check up today. Nothing out of the ordinary and since you're up to date on your immunizations, you won't even need a shot." Dr. Webster said with a good natured smile.

"Great." Bryn said neutrally.

For the next twenty minutes, Bryn went through her check up like normal when Dr.  Webster felt something on her back during some tests.

"That's odd? Bryn, have you been having back pains?" Dr. Webster asked curiously, still probing her back gently with his finger.

"Actually, yes I have. I have had them for a month or two now. Why do you ask?" Bryn asked curiously.

Dr. Webster's face paled for a slight second before he plastered a calm look on his face.

"Bryn, we're going to do a scanning on your back, primarily your spinal cord. Now, I don't want you to worry - I just want to check something. It's better to be safe than sorry." He explained and Bryn frowned.

"What's wrong?" Bryn asked but Dr. Webster waved it off.

Another ten minutes later, the scan was done and Bryn was sitting on a hospital bed alone in the room, awaiting Dr. Webster's return. She sat deep in concentration and worry.

Am I alright? I wonder what's wrong? Dr. Webster seemed really spooked earlier. I hope nothing's wrong... Bryn wondered nervously.

The door knob rustled slightly Dr. Webster walked in - only he had on that doctor poker face that Bryn had seen so much on TV. Her heart fell instantly and she went back to biting her nails, not daring to ask what had happened.

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