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Warning: This is without a doubt the saddest, most disturbing thing that I have ever written. If you are not old enough to read those depressing stuff pls avoid this chapter.


Jackson, Andrew, and Martin's guffaws ruptured the still of the night air, something that she had grown to enjoy. She huffed in annoyance at the uncalled for disruption of the tranquility of the surroundings.

Andrew's girlfriend, Ally, and Martin's girlfriend, Megan, both twins, howled with laughter as well; their shrill voices made Bryn cringe. Their unwelcome presence lingered perpetually behind her, and she rolled her eyes even though they couldn't see her. If she was being perfectly honest, she didn't know why she was on a date with Jackson and his stupid friends that day.

Oh, that's right. Jackson forced her into coming. She had disagreed at first, but He coaxed her, and when that failed, shouted at her for not spending enough time with him. Oddly enough, she wanted to be spending time with Flynn every second that she was on the date.

Now more than ever, she realized how much Flynn and her friendship with him meant to her. Whenever she was away from him, she felt like half of her was missing too. She wondered if he ever felt the same way about her.

Life sucked.

Cancer, friendzoned, crazy boyfriend, even crazier crush. Yup, Life seemed to enjoy toying with Bryn to no end.

"Hey babe," Jackson murmured into her ear, his arm draped across her shoulder. Bryn shivered slightly, but it went unnoticed, and instead Jackson hung even more tightly onto her.

"Do you want to go inside the car?" he asked, but Bryn refused.

"My dad said that I had to be home at 11:00," she lied, and Jackson looked at her suspiciously.

"Fine, be that way, prude. Let's at least drive around until you have to leave." Jackson said angrily, and Bryn hesitated before nodding.

Soon Martin, Andrew, and Bryn were driving and heading down town, all of them probably too drunk to drive.

Somehow, they wound up in front of Janice's orphanage, and Jackson noticed the sign.

"Hey, guys, look at this. A homeless shelter," he grinned devilishly.

Martin looked up at it, and said, "I can't believe our parents have to pay tax dollars for lowlifes like them."

Bryn shook with rage, and said, "Don't say that - some people are just unlucky."

Ally looked at her in shock. "Yeah, well, some people are just stupid and ungrateful leeches that like to prey on the wealthy," she sniffed.

"I don't think that's fair to say at all," Bryn whispered quietly.

"No, what's not fair is their laziness sucking us dry of our money," Martin grunted.

Then out of the blue, Jackson said, "Let's trash it."

Bryn recoiled and looked at him in shock. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You can't do that!" She fumed, but Jackson turned and looked at her like she was the crazy one.

"Why not? It's not like they deserve to live there. They belong on the streets," Megan retorted.

"I can't believe we're having this conversation. You're all drunk, and you need to go home," Bryn said.

Jackson sneered at her, "Who would have thought: Bryn Howard, defender of the poor? Weren't you always the one whining about how homeless people were like the worst thing to happen on Earth because they lived off your parent's money?"

Bryn glared at him, and said, "I am not the same person I used to be."

"Well then you better get the fuck out," Martin growled, but she stood her ground.

"Not until you back away from this shelter."

Without warning, Jackson walked up to her and grabbed her roughly by the wrists, throwing her against his car, before leering down at her. Bryn watched in shock as he leaned in close to whisper into her ears.

"First, you don't blow me, and now you're defying me in front of my friends? You're going to turn the fuck around, or I will break every single bone in your body. You got that?" Jackson demanded, and Bryn meekly shook her head, terrified.

He shoved her violently, and Bryn tumbled onto the street before running away to find a bus back home. Once she got on the bus, she nearly collapsed in exhaustion, and buried her face in her hands. She assumed that Jackson was just joking, because he had made statements like that before, and had been saying it just for the hell of it. And so, she let the bus drive her home before slipping into her bed and drifting into a dreamless sleep.

The next day, she went to school early like she always did, but when she stepped through the doors, she could tell something was amiss. For one thing, Flynn was on the ground, curled up into a little ball. His knees were tucked into his chest, and his dark hair shrouded his head.

"Flynn, are you okay?" Bryn asked curiously, and Flynn's head lifted up.

Bryn was shocked to see tears streaming down his face and then it sank in. Bryn knew what he was going to say before he said it.

"Bryn, the shelter burned down. Desmia, -she died."

Author's Note
I know I'm so nice. My evilness is radiating!!! I hate Jackson anyone??? Don't forget to vote and comment.

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