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This chapter is dedicated to Musical_JJ
For being the first one to vote and comment I love your story Playing with the Devil (I think u know that) u guys should check it out it's awesome

Why Flynn McLean? Why him?

Bryn's initial thought was to push him away in repulsion, but there was something about the way Flynn was looking back at her that stayed her hand. For once, he didn't look so bitter or angry or flat out annoying. Instead he looked like he cared and like he understood even though he still had no idea what was wrong with her.

"Why are you helping me?" Bryn demanded aggressively, trying to tease out the Flynn that she had grown to know. Frankly, this side of Flynn was scary because he was almost likable, and Bryn did not want to like him. "Because I want to." He said simply, not caring to elaborate. 

His finger reached out and brushed a stray strand of her hair away from her face, and although Bryn thought she would have pulled away from his touch, the gentleness and care behind the simple action made her shiver in happiness.

"Bryn?" Flynn asked her, still smiling.

"Yes Flynn?" She asked back.

"Shut up and hug me." He said before wrapping his arms around her again. Bryn laughed against his chest as he drew her in. Her arms tightened around him and it occurred to her that she fit almost perfectly in his arms, like they were molded to fit each other. It certainly felt more natural to her than when she hugged Jackson.

Bryn broke away and her train of thought was derailed. "So what's wrong?" He asked her, genuine worry glistening in his eyes.

"Fine, I'll tell you, but only if you promise not to tell another living soul." Bryn warned him.

Bryn shook his head in agreement. "I promise." He said firmly.

Bryn took a deep breath before she spoke. "I have a tumor growing on my spinal cord. I don't have much longer left - a year at best." She said breathlessly.

She looked up at Flynn to gauge his reaction. Bryn was expecting pity in his eyes - after all, everyone else that knew wore looks of sympathy and pity which infuriated her. She didn't want anyone's pity, but Flynn's reaction made her feel comforted for the first time.

Flynn cleared his throat before speaking and when he did, his voice was hoarse. "I'm sorry. I was insensitive and I still annoyed you when you were struggling with something like this. I feel awful right now." He choked out.

"What? You didn't give me cancer. Hey, I just found out this Wednesday, so it's not like you were doing it all along." Bryn said, her eyebrows furrowing.

Flynn looked away. "That doesn't excuse my behavior." He said quietly and Flynn felt uncomfortable because she didn't know how to respond.

Flynn looked her in the eyes and said something she would never forget. " Well, don't let the disease define you. You're a strong person - you'll push through. Don't let your ailment change who you are." He said seriously before adding in a joke, "Otherwise the world would be deprived of the biggest condescending, smart alec ever!"

Bryn laughed, but she noticed how Flynn never laughed - he only smiled, and even then it was only weakly. She wondered what his laugh sounded like, or what his real smile looked like.

Before I die, I want to see that boy laugh and show me his real smile. Bryn thought to herself.

She was glad that Flynn was at least being honest about her predicament. She hated it when people in the hospital refused to confront the fact that she was slowly dying, trying to sugar coat her illness to make it more palatable. People should just come out and say it - they should be honest.

"Come on." Flynn said standing up and leading her to one of the drawing boards up there.

"You and I are going to make a list of all the things you need to do before you bite the dust, okay?" He asked her, and she smiled and nodded.

"Okay, let's do this!" Flynn said enthusiastically, uncapping a black marker and handing it to her.

Bryn and Flynn's list of ultimate greatness and awesomeness

1. Skip school

2. Go on a road trip to Bosron

3. Camp up in the Catskill Mountains for a few days

4. Go stargazing

Flynn stepped back and nodded approvingly at the list and Bryn joined him.

"We'll do everything on here - together." Flynn said earnestly and Bryn turned around to look at him.

For a second, she forgot about Jackson being her boyfriend and she noticed how gorgeous Flynn was. He had curly brown hair and the most gorgeous jade green eyes.

"You're drooling and staring at me." Flynn said with a slight smirk.

Bryn wiped her face, completely mortified, only to find that there was nothing there. She was going to chastise him, but then she heard Flynn McLean laugh. It was all Bryn could do, not to cry tears of joy - Flynn's laugh was so bright and carefree, it was like every good thing in the world had manifested itself into a simple sound.

"Oh, I completely got you!" Flynn said, still roaring with laughter while Bryn smiled dopily at him while she slapped him in the back jokingly.

"Well this time you got me, Seashell hair." Bryn smirked.

"I could get used to that. I'll think of one for you too!" He said brightly.

"No need, just call me The Queen of Awesomeness or Intellectual Badass or The Fantastic Cancer Fighting Machine!" Bryn joked and Flynn snorted.

"Humble much?" He asked her.

Then his lips curved upwards in a crooked smile. "Gwen Stacy." He said simply and Bryn knew in her bones that he had gotten it right.

"Well, I like it." Bryn whispered.

Flynn looked at her in surprise, but then relaxed into a smile.

"I should go. See you later Bryn, and just remember - if you need anyone to talk to, I'm always available." Flynn said and Bryn nodded.

Before she lost her nerve, she called out to him. "Are you free tomorrow?" She called and Flynn turned around.

"Of course!" He called back.

"Wanna meet back here, and we can maybe go do something?" She asked him and he grinned.

"Definitely." He said before waving goodbye.

"See you tomorrow!" Bryn called back, waving as well.

Bryn drove home and by the time that she had gotten back, it was nearly 7. As soon as she got into her room she looked around for her silver sharpie to make some more additions.

8. Find out what I did to make Flynn hate me.

9. Start being myself

10. Spend more time with my closest friends and my family

11. Confront my mother about her relationship with me

12. Write letters to everyone of my closest friends and family

There was only one last thing she had left to write, but she was too scared to do so. Then she realized that she didn't have a whole lot of time left, so it was better to just go for it.

13. Make Flynn McLean fall in love with me.

Author's Note
Guys pls vote and comment so I can actually know if you're reading or not. Pls -Claire

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