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The moon lay against the backdrop of blackness like a sleeping goddess, multitudes of stars sparkling like fallen jewels around her silhouette. The ocean basked in her ethereal glow, the waters rippling like reaching fingers. Reaching. Reaching for the warm white glow they could never hold inside their cold, dark depths.

The sound of a sob reflected the unuttered cry of the sea, echoing along the mountainous crags of a forgotten strip of beach.

A cold wind whipped at Liana’s hair, the dark locks billowing around her tear stained face. She made no move to tame the unruly strands, nor to rid her cheeks of the tears pearling down her pale flesh to the waters below.

“How could you?!” she demanded, screaming at the heavens. “How could you take her away?!”

The moon remained impassive, disregarding her words like she did the ocean’s eternal plea.

Liana buried her face in her hands, falling to her knees. Icy seawater curled around her legs, pushing and pulling against her as she cradled herself to the words of a long-forgotten lullaby.

Forgotten, till now.

Liana trembled at the remembrance of her mother’s voice - a voice she would never hear again.

She stood, her mind a haze, darkened and murky like the bottom of the ocean floor. Her feet moved off their own accord, the sands cutting her toes like shards of glass.

The waters tugged at her, the waves sliding cold and dark as she stepped deeper. Liana’s breath hitched as her waist sunk into the inky blackness.

I should end this, Liana thought, her thoughts tangled and twisted like a fisherman’s net. She took another step, her breasts disappearing beneath the waters.

Yes, she decided, I shall end this.

She hesitated, not yet willing to let the tides take her. There was something she had to do first.

“Never fear, my dearest,” she whispered, her words plucked away by the frigid winds. “I’m near. Do not cry, my love. I am here. Lay your head upon my chest. Forget all the rest, my dearest. Know that - ”

Liana’s breath caught, and a fresh wave of tears burst free from within her.

How could I forget Mother’s song?! she thought, clutching at her heart. A cold, dark fury seeped into her chest, and she tugged at her dress, ripping the silks to tattered shreds. How could I forget?!

She cried out. Closed her eyes. Prepared to take another, final step...

“Know that I will never leave, my dearest,” a deep voice whispered behind her. A pair of arms snaked around her torso, drawing her against a muscled chest.

“I shall be there, from morning till eve,” the man hummed, his hands splayed over her stomach. Liana shivered at the heat of the stranger’s skin.

“Shh,” he whispered, his breath fanning over the side of her neck. Liana trembled as he reeled her in, so close that she could hear his steady heartbeat against her ear, pulsing in time with the surf.

She only now realized what she had done with her dress - realized that she was nude. And so was he.

She tried to jump away, but a wave pushed her back against him, forcing her deeper into his strong embrace. Her palms landed flat on his chest, her naked body pressed flush against his own.

She glanced up, meaning to tell the stranger to leave her be. As she gazed upon the man before her, the only sound she could utter was a strained squeak.

Siren's Seduction - Erotic Novelette (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now