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Liana’s eyes fluttered open, narrowing into slits as warm sunlight curled over her. She burrowed into the warmth of her furs, her body screaming in protest with the simple movement.

Everything ached, throbbing in counterpoint with her heartbeat. Uttering a groan, Liana shifted, rolling onto her back. She reached out, her fingers grasping for the contact of familiar skin.

Nathan wasn’t there.

The very thought of her lover made tears sting at Liana’s eyes, but she brushed them away. She would have to accept that she wouldn’t see him again. Last night had been a goodbye.

If anyone spotted the two of them together, Nathan would surely be put to death. The thought sent a rush of pain through Liana’s heart - made her strengthen her resolve. She would meet her fiancé today, and she would leave with him, never to set eyes on Nathan again.

It was for the best.

Still, Liana couldn’t help but think about him - couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to awaken with his body curled protectively over hers.

Nathan would wake her with kisses, trail his mouth over her shoulder. Playfully nip at her ear, smile against her collarbone as he stroked her. He would kiss her neck, her jaw, before his lips would capture hers in a slow, sensual dance. He would whisper to her in that same, ancient language as the night before, and make blissful, wonderful love with her. They would lay together afterwords, touching, tasting, acquainting themselves with the other’s body.

Liana gulped, her heart aching with a deep longing. She wished that she could see him again, wished more than anything that she could hear his voice - even if just for a second.

She slowly sat upright, her body straining with the effort. She was surprised to find herself in her nightclothes, wrapped securely beneath her furs. Her gaze moved to the door, and she realized that it was locked, the key still pressed inside its opening.

She wondered if last night had been an illusion.

No, she decided. It couldn’t have been.

Her body still ached from their passionate lovemaking, the smell of Nathan’s sweat clinging to her skin. Her jaw ached, and she blushed at the thought of what she had done.

She wanted to do it again.

And again.

Liana shook the thought away, ignoring the dampness gathering between her thighs as she recalled his taste, the heady aroma of his most intimate parts.

Stop it, Liana! she berated herself, shifting so that her legs dangled off the side of her bed. Forget him.

She knew that such a thing was impossible, but if she was going to carry on with her life, she would have to lock him away, keep the memories of him safely stored in the back of her mind.

An urgent knocking tore her away from her thoughts. Liana stood, nearly toppling to the ground. Her legs quivered beneath her, and she clutched onto the edge of her bedstead to keep from falling.

“Mistress?” a voice called from the other side.

Liana sighed, making her way towards the door, opening it to the possibility of a future without the man that had stolen her heart.


Liana drummed her fingers against her knee, nervously fidgeting with the ruffles of her dress. She kept her gaze trained to the ocean, staring out at the waters. She found her thoughts drifting. Shifting to Nathan.

Siren's Seduction - Erotic Novelette (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now