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Liana awoke to darkness.

She blinked, sitting upright, and realized that she was back in her chambers, safely tucked beneath a mound of furs. She pulled the warm materials closer, holding them to her face. She inhaled, smelling not only her own scent, but Nathan’s as well. Her flesh was still coated with their sweat, her insides covered with remnants of his essence.

She sighed, closing her eyes, wishing that he was with her.

For a moment, she wondered how she had made it back to her room. It was obvious that Mag hadn’t been the one to rescue her, for she was still naked, and her hair was clotted with the slightest bits of sand.

Had Nathan taken her back? If so, how had he managed to get past the guards?

She didn’t allow herself to think much of it. The only thing that mattered was seeing him again, touching him again, hearing his voice humming softly as he held her in his protective embrace.
Her heart swelled at the thought, a smile stretching over her lips.
Tonight, she promised herself. I shall see him tonight.


Liana trembled, clenching her hands into tight fists as she waited for her father. She squirmed in her seat, her eyes darting about the study, looking desperately for an escape.

Her gaze settled on the window, stretching over the length of an entire wall, and she wished more than anything that she could fly away. She knew she was only wasting time. There was no hiding from her father - no place that he wouldn’t eventually find her.

As if her thoughts had summoned him, her father stormed into the study, glowering at her. The doors slammed shut behind him, and he swooped down on her like a bird of prey.

“How dare you?!” he bellowed.
Liana shivered, keeping her eyes downcast. The flat of her father’s hand connected with her cheek. A sharp ring echoed through the room.

“Answer me, you ungrateful bitch!” he screamed, slapping her again. Searing pain jolted through her like a clap of thunder, and Liana bit at her cheek to keep from crying out.

Anything could spur him on when he was like this.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Father.” she answered, keeping her tone docile.

He grabbed hold of her shoulders, his fingers digging into her like sharp talons. He glared down at her, his face a deep scarlet.

“You know what I’m talking about, whore!” he spat, streams of spittle landing on Liana’s face. “You’ve been fucking around, haven’t you!?”

Liana froze, her world stopping.

No, she prayed. Please don’t let him know about Nathan. Please.

“I don’t know what you mean, Father,” Liana tried, closing her eyes.

He chuckled, taking hold of her jaw.

“You don’t, hmm?” he questioned, tugging at her jaw like he wanted to rip it from her face. He grabbed at her dress, revealing the bruise she had tried so hard to conceal.

“Then what - pray tell - is this?” he hissed.

Liana gulped, biting at her lip. How had he found out? Had Mag told him?
It didn’t matter. There was no use in lying to him.

“I can see your lover was very thorough,” he continued, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Liana shivered at the tone in his voice, knowing that it held nothing good for her.

He reached for her neck, choking her with a beefy fist. Liana grabbed at his hand, trying to pry his vice-like fingers from her neck. She felt herself slipping from consciousness, a black fog swimming around the edges of her vision. He brought his mouth to her ear. “Perhaps I will show you how thorough I can be?”

Oh God! Liana wanted to scream. Anything but that!

The thought made her sick with fear, and she welcomed the darkness pressing down on her. If he was going to have his way with her, at least she would be unconscious during the ordeal.

He trembled with fury. With lust. The emotions were clear as day in his eyes, unbridled in his gaze as he looked her up and down.

But then, to Liana’s relief, he sighed in resignation.

“I shan’t lay a finger on you,” he grunted, pushing her away, “only because I’ve already given your hand to another.”

“What?” Liana gasped, shock numbing her pain.

Her father took a seat opposite her, the sprawling desk putting distance between them as he seated himself on his immaculate wooden throne.

“Tomorrow,” her father said, removing a pipe from a drawer, “a man shall come to the estate, and he shall take you as his wife. He’s already paid the marital price.” He blew a puff of smoke in her direction, the toxic smell of opium making her nauseous. “Which is far more than you’re worth, by the way.”

“Father - ” she stuttered.

He raised his brow.

“I cannot marry someone I do not know,” she reasoned, keeping her tone as gentle as she could. On the inside, she felt like screaming.

“You’ve met him on occasion,” he said.

“Father,” she dared, “my heart belongs to another.”

Her father clutched at the arms of his seat, laughter bursting past his lips.

“What?” he chuckled, shaking his head. “Did you really think that the mongrel who had his cock in you would love you for anything other than your status?”

Liana withered at his words.

“The only reason he would show you affection,” he continued, taking a long drag of opium between his lips, “is because he wants a permanent place in your bed.” He shook his head. “If he doesn’t have it already.”

He’s lying, a part of her screamed.

It’s true, the other admitted.

“Off with you, now,” her father dismissed her. Liana sprung from her chair, fleeing to the doors, the sharp shrapnel of a broken heart stabbing at her chest.

Nathan wouldn’t be dishonest with me, she thought, trying to persuade herself. He wouldn’t!

By the time she plucked open the study doors, everything she thought she knew felt like a complete and utter lie.

Siren's Seduction - Erotic Novelette (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now