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The sun lingered upon the horizon like a sinking ship, slowly burning away. Cold, dark fingers reached out to the blazing vessel, curling around it, twilight choking the blighted light like the unforgiving coils of death.

Liana watched the sunset through hazy eyes, hardly noticing that daylight was waning. Dusk settled on the horizon, the sky awash with stars, blinking at her like watching eyes.

The night was cold - even colder than before - but she didn’t care. Didn’t care about anything but seeing that man again.

She had hoped that he would be here, waiting for her. But the beach was abandoned, barren safe for a few crabs scuttling along the sands.

What if he doesn’t come? Liana worried, rolling her lip between her teeth. What if I never see him again?

She shook the thought away, brushing at her cheeks with the back of her hand.

He’ll be here, she promised herself. I shall see him again.

The thought sent a thrill through her, made her feel a bit better. But then she remembered the look in his eyes when she had told him that she didn’t love him - that undeniable, wounded look - and doubt curled inside her stomach.

She closed her eyes, listening to the surf, praying that he would come. She needed him - needed so badly to forget. Only he could make her forget.

Liana waited, and waited. Waited for what must have been hours. Still he did not appear.

He’s not coming, Liana realized, drawing her knees to her chest. I won’t see him again.

Tears ran down her face, but she didn’t stop them.

“Never fear, my dearest,” she whispered, recalling what he had promised her. “I’m near. Do not cry, my love. I am here. Lay your head upon my chest. Forget all the rest, my dearest.”

She sat in terse silence - waiting for him to sing to her.

“Know that I will never leave, my dearest,” a voice said into her ear, and Liana nearly wept with joy. She felt the heat of his skin against her back, the strength of his lean body as he drew her closer. “I shall be there, from morning till eve.”

He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck, laying a lingering kiss beneath her ear. His hands ran up and down her arms, his fingers spreading warmth and life through her cold, dead body.

Liana sighed, melting into his warmth, letting her head fall back against his chest. He shifted, pulling her into his lap, his legs spread along hers. They sat in silence, the only sound between them the heartbeat of the other. His was slow and steady, a solid rhythm that pounded in time with the surf. Liana’s was erratic, her heart giving irregular, frightened kicks against her ribcage.

“You’re saddened,” he remarked, folding his hands over hers. “Why?”

“I - ” Liana’s voice caught. Her lips quivered as she drew a breath. “Today was my mother’s burial.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” he whispered, kissing her shoulder. He hugged her to him, and she realized that he was nude. The thought didn’t bother her. On the contrary, she felt her pulse spiking with need.

Liana let him hold her, yet his embrace wasn’t enough. She needed more to expel her demons. She glanced up at him, and her world stopped as she took in his beauty.

His hair was wet, small droplets running down the sides of his chiselled face and neck. Liana couldn’t help herself. She kissed his throat, and his Adam’s-apple bobbed in response. Thrilled that she could draw this reaction from him, Liana kissed a trail up to his ear, and gently bit at the skin. She felt his manhood, rising up against the small of her back, and her mind turned blank.

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