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Selena Ravencroft took a deep breath, wiped her sweaty palms on the ruffles of her dress, and thought: I would give anything not to be here.

It had been a long time - if ever - since she had been this anxious. Staring down at the sea of people below her, Selena wished that she was at home, curled snugly before the fireplace with a book in her lap.

"I know what you're thinking, Selena," a voice spoke behind her, the words curling around her ear like the cold coils of a serpent. "And you've already agreed to accompany me."

Selena sighed, turning to face her husband-to-be.

"And I regret ever doing so," she answered, lowering her head.

He laughed. "You say that as if you had a choice in the matter."

Selena bit her tongue. Since she'd been introduced to her fiancé, he'd made his domineering nature clear. She had no choice in anything - no say in even some of the most minuscule parts of her day.

"You know I hate parties, Richard," she whispered. "Is it really necessary for me to be here with you?"

Richard stepped closer, and Selena drew in on herself. Her fiancé towered over her, and would often make use of his intimidating physique when things weren't going his way.

His grip was harsh as he cupped her cheek, his sickly-sweet nicotine breath fanning over her face.

"This isn't just any party, Selena," he said, his mouth just inches from hers. He wrapped an arm around her waist, drawing her closer. Selena gasped as she was caged in by his body. To an outsider, it would look as if they were about to kiss. The firm grip of his fingertips had often been misinterpreted as an amorous gesture.

"This is the Marquess's party - his masquerade," Richard whispered. "If I am to make a good impression upon him I will need you - my lovely fiancé - at my side."

Selena swallowed, looking into his eyes for the first time that night. The blue orbs were cold and piercing as they looked her up and down.

"You have the mask I gave you?" he asked.

She nodded, holding it up for him to see. It was a beautifully crafted piece, golden filigrees curling around the mask's edges. Richard took it from her, tying it around her head. Selena stiffened at his touch, flinching as his fingers scraped over her skin.

"Remember," he said, adjusting his own mask. "We'll be on our best behaviour, hmm?"

Selena nodded, biting at her lip. Richard released her, holding his arm out. She accepted, allowing herself to be lead down a flight of stairs, into the crowds below.

Lightheadedness wrapped tightly around her, squeezing the breath from her lungs. The overpowering scent of sweat and perfume made Selena's stomach churn, her insides twisting into tight knots. Music drifted in and out of conscious thought, notes dancing overhead like malicious wisps.

Against her best effort, Selena found herself clinging to Richard's arm, afraid that she might topple over. Her fiancé spotted a dignitary in the crowd, and leaned closer to whisper in her ear.

"Directly in front of us - standing next to the countess in the blue dress - you'll see the viscount of Erendale." A practised smile stretched over Richard's features as he pulled her along. "Word has it that the two of them are having an affair."

Selena nodded, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves.

"Smile," Richard muttered, just as the viscount turned to greet them. Her fiancé grinned, extending his hand, greeting the unfamiliar viscount as if they were old friends. The older man turned his attention to Selena.

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