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Night settled over the horizon like a blanket, diminishing the light of day as the sun disappeared beneath its darkened folds. A cold breeze nipped at Liana’s skin, tugging at her clothes like it wanted to take her away.

Liana rubbed at her neck, wincing as she probed at the wounds her father’s hand had left. Tears stung at her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.

My father doesn’t know Nathan, Liana debated. He doesn’t know what he’s like.

Then again, Liana herself knew little more than his name, and even that could be a fabrication. She shook away her doubts. She recalled the affection in his eyes, the truth in his voice, how safe she had felt as he held her.

Perhaps she was acting as a child, believing in adolescent preconceptions of love. Perhaps she was a fool, who simply didn’t know better. Perhaps everything was as her father said.

Regardless, Liana couldn’t change the way she felt about Nathan, couldn’t help but crave his touch, his scent, his taste. He made her feel whole, made her forget. Even if it were all a fabrication, they were lies she would gladly swallow.

She found herself humming her mother’s song, trying to comfort herself, trying to bring warmth and life back to the hollow husk she was becoming.

Warm arms curled around her belly, a kiss landing on the back of her neck.

“Evening, milady,” Nathan greeted, pulling her into his lap. His legs curled over hers, reeling her into his embrace. Liana blushed as she felt his erection pressing up against her back, felt herself turning to a puddle of desires.

Nathan rubbed at her thighs, giving her ear a playful nip. He turned her head, placing a heated kiss upon her lips. Liana sighed, losing herself in his kiss.

She lay a hand upon his shoulder, pulling him closer. Cold water clung to his skin, gathering on her fingertips. For a moment, Liana wondered at the drops, but then he took her lower lip between his teeth, and gave it a mischievous tug. She gasped, her mind turning to a haze of pleasure.

He pulled away, planting a kiss on her nose. Dimples creased the corners of his lips as he grinned down at her. He took in every part of her, his gaze settling on her neck.

He tensed, his entire body turning rigid.

“What is this?” he asked, his voice cold and sharp.

He reached up, moving the dress away from her shoulders. Liana drew in a sharp breath as he touched her father’s wounds.

“Who did this to you?” he demanded, his eyes darting over the faded fingerprints. Nathan’s hands curled into tight fists, shaking with fury. His eyes raged with a storm of emotion, and in that moment, Liana was even more afraid of him than her father. Gone was her gentle lover, replaced with a man who seemed capable of murder.

Liana closed her eyes, unable to look at him, unable to summon her voice. A tear trickled down her face, and she trembled, suppressing a sob.

Nathan sighed, tipping her head back. He brushed his thumbs over her cheek, wiping away her tears. Her eyes fluttered open, meeting his.

“Who did this, Liana?” he whispered. “Please tell me.”

“It was my father,” Liana admitted, trembling as he held her. Though Nathan’s hands were soft and warm, his eyes were cold and set.

“I’ll kill him for this.” he grit, his jaw clenched.

“No!” Liana gasped. “You can’t do that.”

“Why not?” Nathan questioned. “It’s no less than the bastard deserves.”

“You don’t know my father,” Liana warned. “You won’t be able to lay a finger on him. You’d be killed if you try.”

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