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Liana’s legs quivered as she ran, threatening to buckle beneath her. A stitch in her side turned every inhale into a ragged gasp for breath, her lungs burning like hellfire.

Agony draped around her like a cloak, yet the only thing Liana could focus on was the ache in her heart - the deep, incredible longing that made her push herself to run faster. Faster still.

A harsh wind tugged at her dress as she dashed down the familiar strip of beach, kicking up sand and seawater.

“Nathan!” she called, turning in slow circles, scanning the beach for any signs of him. Liana collapsed upon the sands, panting for breath as she stared out at the ocean, her heart a wild thing inside her chest.

“Nathan!” Her voice caught, her call ending in a hoarse croak. She coughed, tears burning at her eyes as she rubbed at her sore throat.

“I came back,” she whispered. “I’m here. I came back.”

She received no reply. The beach was deserted, the ocean calm and undisturbed. Dark clouds gathered overhead, obscuring the light of the moon, plunging her world into an infinite blackness.

Nathan was nowhere to be seen.

“Where are you?” Liana croaked. “Where are you, Nathan?”

Her voice was met with silence - a silence that seemed to stretch into eternity, seemed to cast her existence into aching nothingness. A sob escaped her, breaking free from the deepest depths of her being.

“Please,” she begged, curling in on herself, her shoulders giving in beneath the burden of her heartache.

Through her hazy vision, Liana saw the waters stir. She gasped, watching as a form emerged from the dark depths of the ocean. A head appeared, a pair of broad shoulder becoming visible.

Blue eyes sparkled at her, almost glowing as her lover’s familiar silhouette approached her. His bare chest rose above the waves, the muscled contours gleaming with droplets of water. More and more of him become visible as he stepped closer to shore, and Liana’s heart stopped as she set her eyes on his beauty.

She didn’t think to wait for him - didn’t wonder why he had been underwater.

Her feet moved off their own accord, and Liana ran to meet him. The cold waters sent sharp shocks through her, but she paid it no notice. She was overwhelmed with need, her whole existence centred around coming to meet the man she loved.

He smiled at her as she came closer, extending his arms.

She flung herself at him, laughing even as she cried. He caught her in his strong arms, held her close as she wept into the skin where neck met shoulder.

“I lied,” she cried, clinging to him. “I lied.”

He murmured softly to her, kissing her cheek, drawing small circles on her back with his fingertips.

“I love you,” she admitted - repeating the words over and over again. “I love you.”

He pulled her back, kissing away her tears. Liana’s heart swelled as he looked at her.

“You do?”

Liana nodded, looping her arms around the back of his neck.

“I do.”

He grinned at her, his eyes awash with emotions. He lowered his face to hers, and kissed her. Liana sighed in pleasure, her toes curling into fists as his lips stroked hers.

His taste spurred her on, and Liana fisted her hands in his hair, returning his kiss with such hunger that she frightened herself. He growled against her lips, digging his fingers into her backside. His tongue slipped into her mouth, stoking the fire burning unbridled within her.

Siren's Seduction - Erotic Novelette (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now