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Chapter Thirty-Seven

Natsu Dragneel

April proved to be one of the finest months in Magnolia. The weather was never too humid or chilly enough for winter attire, but just perfect. Flowers bloomed by the sidewalks, clouds slowly inches by in the sky, birds were beginning to migrate back up North-

Why am I saying this?

I tugged at the hem of my graphic tee as I stood by Lucy's locker, shifting my weight on my toes absentmindedly. My eyes were trained on their closed classroom door across the hall, waiting for her 4th period to be released. I knew from experience of the same teacher last year that her math teacher always taught late into the class hour.

After an eternity and a half of glaring at the inanimate object, it finally swung open. I wasn't all that surprised to find Lucy was the first one shoving her way out into the hallway. When she saw me, her gaze softened.

"Hey," Lucy grinned.

"Hiya." I flicked my hand up to wave at her.

"Ready for lunch?"

"As I'll ever be."

Lucy hiked up the strap of her messenger bag on her shoulder and tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. "I heard it's macaroni day."

"Is it the second Thursday of the week already?" I raised an eyebrow, racking my mind while Lucy nodded in confirmation. Today was April 9th... Yep. The second and third Thursdays are macaroni day. And before you say anything, you should know it's literally the only remotely tasty food in the whole cafeteria. Anything else is passably edible at best.

"Time just seems to be passing so quickly nowadays," I told Lucy honestly, staring at the floor as we walked.

"I know what you mean, Natsu," Lucy sighed. "Just two more months until graduation."

"Two more months until we're out of this hellhole," I reminded her cheerfully. "On to the next step of our lives."

"To quote All Time Low," Lucy held up a finger to silence me, "Say goodbye to the halls and the classes, say hello to the jobs and the taxes."

"But first, college," I told her. "Have you gotten accepted anywhere yet?"

"Well, you know how my first was Waseda? Down in Tokyo?" With a nod, I waited for her to continue. "I got my rejection letter from there this morning."

I stopped my parading down the hall to look at her clearly. "Luce, that sucks."

"I know," Lucy frowned. "But-"


"Shut up," She rolled her eyes. "I got into the University of Tokyo...!" That was the best university in Tokyo, from what I could recall. It was amazing that she was able to get accepted there.

"No way!" I clapped my hands together excitedly before swooping her in for a hug. "That's great news! I'm so happy for you!"

Lucy's voice was muffled by a wall of her hair and my shoulder. "You're the first person I've told. I'm going to tell Loke and Levy at lunch today."

"I'm sure they'll be thrilled to hear the news," I couldn't stop smiling as we let go of the hug. "Now quickly, let's get to the cafeteria, before all the macaroni is gone." I tugged her jean jacket impatiently, inching her towards the lunchroom. We walked with quick feet the rest of the way, hearing the loud clamor of voices even from twenty yards away. I held the door open for her and she muttered a thank you under her breath as we entered the cafeteria. We quickly headed for the lunch line, but my eyes were already scanning for Gray before my feet began to move. I looked at our usual table, and when no raven hair was spotted, my eyes flittered around the rest of the mildly-crowded cafeteria.

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