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Chapter Sixteen

Natsu Dragneel

Dedication to myself for staying up until 1 am to write this.

"I knew I remembered you," Ur whispered, running her thumb over my scar delicately. "I just can't believe I didn't realize it sooner."

"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered, my eyes going wide.

"You were there on the night of the car crash. Or should I say, you were in it," Ur said as my heart dropped to my stomach like a bomb.

"What are you going off about, Aunt Ur?" Gray asked curiously, sitting up.

"You know, you boys have a fateful past. This isn't the first time you've met," Ur continued.

"Okay, you're really-" I began.

"-Confusing us," Gray finished. I didn't even bother smirking at how he finished my sentence.

"Gray, do you remember how you became blind?" Ur asked quietly. Gray nodded and slumped his shoulders.

"December 19th. That awful car crash," He whispered. "I remember it every day."

I shuddered, even though it wasn't cold in the boring hospital. "I was in a car crash that night too," I mumbled, feeling pieces come together. "That's crazy. There's no way."

"It was you and that girl, right, Natsu? What was her name? Lizzy?" Ur scratched her head, thinking.

"Lisanna," I corrected her quietly.

"Natsu, after that car crash, I was so worried for my nephew, but I had also heard a boy and a girl had been alone in the other car. I had actually been the one to treat your wounds. By a miracle, you had come out practically unscathed, but Lisanna, she-"

"Died," I finished, burying my head in my hands. "She died. And it was all my fault."

"Hey," Gray said soothingly, getting up and putting a hand on my shoulder. "It wasn't your fault."

"Yes it was!" I screamed at him. "I was stupid enough to take her on a date when I knew it was pouring outside and becoming dark! I shouldn't have gone on that highway! I should've listened to the flash flood warning! I should've been focusing on the road instead of her!" I cried, breaking into shaky sobs. "And now, I find out I'm the reason you're blind? I'll never be able to live with myself now!"

"It wasn't your fault," Gray repeated softly. "It's okay."

"It's not okay!" I argued. "I killed my girlfriend! I made my friend blind and ruined his life forever! I should've died instead of her in that goddamn car crash," I wailed, leaning against his shoulder.

"No, don't ever say that," Gray demanded, swallowing. "Please don't wish you were dead. I need you," He admitted. A bright red blush shined under the warm tears streaked across my face.

"Sweetie, pull yourself together," Ur took my hand in hers. "Come on, it's alright." I wiped my tears with my free hand, trying desperately to swallow the lump in my throat.

"I'm sorry," I choked. "I'm so sorry."

"I forgive you," Gray smiled sadly. "Just stop crying. You're gonna make me cry."

"Oh, bad boy Gray can't be seen crying, now can he," I joked through my watery eyes and scratchy voice.

"There's the sarcastic Natsu I know," Gray ruffled my hair, just like he always did. "Hey. Let's take the rest of the school day off and just go walk on the beach, okay? You like the beach, don't you?" He offered, turning to his aunt. "Is that okay with you?"

"Of course. I don't think Natsu needs to go back to school if he doesn't want to," Ur nodded sympathetically. "I better go find Mika. You two go talk- feel better Natsu."

"Thanks, Ur," I wiped my eyes. "And thanks for what you did four years ago. Really."

"You're welcome, honey," Ur hugged me tenderly, patting my back. "You take care now. I'll see you later."

"Bye," I waved, putting on a hopefully somewhat-persuading cheerful expression, the one I've mastered to do these past four years. Without a word, Gray and I left the hospital room and left the building. I mumbled where my car was, and he nodded slightly without a word.

By the time we had buckled up in the car, I was in a sour mood. Memories of that night crashed into my head, pounding and trashing and aching to escape. I rubbed my temples harshly before putting in my keys and driving to the beach.

"How did your checkup go?" I asked sullenly. Gray turned his head from the window to my direction.

"Great. No issues," He said airily. I noticed how comically ironic this situation was- usually Gray was the pouty one and I was the cheerful one.

"You wouldn't have to go to them if I hadn't caused that car crash," I grumped, slouching my shoulders.

Suddenly, I was knocked out of my wallowing reverie with Gray pounding his fist against the airbag storage compartment.

"Damnit, Natsu! Stop thinking it's your fault? Did you ever think that maybe it was- mine?" His voice cracked, and through my surprise I wondered if he would begin to cry. "Did you ever think that maybe I thought I could drive in that awful flood and make it out okay? No, Natsu, I couldn't. So stop putting yourself down and pull yourself together," Gray raised his voice, clenching his fists.

For once, I didn't have a reply.

Without our usual chatter or the blasting of the radio filling the space between us, the car ride became very awkward very quickly- at least for me. I focused on the road, something I've taken double the effort to do recently, and let the seconds dance by.

"We're here," I whispered, all of a sudden not feeling up to walking at the beach. All I wanted to do was curl up in my bed, block out the world, and cry until I ran out of tears.

"Let's go, then," Gray commanded, kicking his door open and proceeding to roll up his jeans. I got out of the car and went around the front, my hand dragging limply on the car hood. Gray reached for my hand and took it in his own.

I was seriously starting to wonder if he was using his blindness as a valid excuse to do that every day. Whatever. Deep, deep, deep, deep down, I wasn't complaining one bit.

We tossed out shoes in the backseat like we always did and began to make our way over the sand dune to get to where the ocean met the sand. My toes got wet sand between them as we wordlessly walked down the endless strip of beach. I looked up at Gray, who had a thoughtful expression on his face. I raised an eyebrow that he couldn't see, and waited for him to talk.

"Okay," Gray announced after a moment. "Let's make a deal. You tell me your story, and I'll tell you mine. How's that sound?"

It sounded both utterly nerve-wracking, but I believed I'd find some semblance of inner peace if I let it all out. Without even a moment's hesitation, I nodded.

"Okay," I agreed. "Who goes first?"

"Why," Gray ruffled my hair, making me clench my teeth irritably. "You, of course."

A/N: Next chapter is Natsu's flashback. After that is Gray's. And after that, well, let's just say you're gonna like it. :)

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