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Chapter Thirty-Nine

☆ Natsu Dragneel ☆

A/N: Yay, update! Prepare for feels... I almost cried while writing this :'( Why do I write such depressing things....

More often than not, a teenager will stare into their reflection in a mirror and hate what they see. There is always some sort of flaw, either on the outside or the inside, always something to be changed or improved. Dissatisfaction in myself pounded in my thoughts and I rubbed my temples to clear my brain.

I closed my eyes and opened them again.

Same old Natsu. Same dark circles from not getting enough sleep, same thin-framed glasses, same pink bedhead hair. Even my eyes seemed dull.

I straightened the collar of the dressy shirt I was wearing, shoved my hands into my pockets of my jacket, and headed to find Wendy downstairs. I found her lounging on Grandine's god-awful purple floral club chair, with her feet propped up on one side and listening to music with her hot pink headphones covering her ears. I peeked out the window, finding Igneel hadn't made his arrival yet. Sighing, I took a seat on the couch and pulled out my phone.

No new calls, no new messages, no new voicemails. Nothing. I felt a pang in my chest, feeling frightened. Gray hadn't replied to my semi-frantic texts or voice messages, and it made me feel sick to my stomach. Today was just a day that made me uneasy in general; it was my mother's birthday and I was going to visit her grave with the rest of my family.

Nothing, not even a forgotten response from Gray, could ever match the pain and loss I felt when I lost my mother, Fuyu. Sure, I was only four years old, but I could remember her voice as she sang soft lullabies to me at night, how she loved to cook, or her favorite kelly green dress that she always paired with an apron and her family's heirloom necklace. Said piece of jewelry sat in the closet with the rest of her possessions, collecting dust and ready to be passed on to Wendy when she came of age.

I looked over at Wendy again. Her face was trained on the ceiling, jaw clenched, a sullen expression written in her features. It physically hurt to watch the pain on her face. She was only one when her aunt, my mom died. She also knew the unfixable agony that came with your parents not being around, because she was dropped off at our house when she was only a few months old. Wendy had lived with us until my mother fell back into treatment and it was too much for us all, so she went to live with Grandine. She didn't come back to live with us after Fuyu died, and I didn't blame her. The house always felt cold and empty without my mother around. At least Wendy finally had a home somewhere, here with her grandma, and now me.

My phone vibrated from where it rested on my leg. I was both pleased and irritated that it was Gray who had texted me.

Gray: Hey sorry, I've been sick. Ul said you stopped by, thanks for that <3

So he was sick. I couldn't believe myself for doubting him for even a split second. Guilt washed over me as I typed a brief reply.

Natsu: Of course, anything for you. <3 <3 Feeling any better?

Gray: Uhh, not particularly :( I should be good by Monday. I miss you.

I heard the soft purr of a car engine and looked up. Sure enough, my father's dark blue '92 Honda Accord had veered into the pebbled driveway. I watched as he stepped out of the car, decked in a crisp, semi-formal outfit for the grim occasion. I glanced back down at my phone and sent out a farewell text before setting it on the mahogany coffee table, next to Grandine's home design magazines.

Natsu: Get well soon! I miss you too. I gotta go. Text me with updates. x

My phone buzzed with a response, but I was already headed towards the front door. Wendy saw me move in the direction to the exit, sat up properly, and pulled her headphones off her ears. The spaghetti straps of her simple black dress slipped off her shoulders as she rose to her feet. I was right in front of the door when Igneel slid the door open.

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