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Chapter Thirty-One

Gray Fullbuster

Chapter is Rated M for hints at sexual activity.

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"It's Christmas Eve!" Natsu giggled. I could practically see his childish beam over the phone.

"No shit, Sherlock," I reprimanded, rolling my successfully-working eyes. It was still so surreal to me- seeing again. I blinked to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Nope.

I snuggled deeper into the blanket overtop me and stared at the muted television across from me. Below it was our fireplace, home to six cheesy-looking stockings. Adjacent to it was a twinking, colorful Christmas tree.

"What did you get me?" He said half-seriously, trying not to giggle again. Seriously, what was with him an giggling? Natsu was so weird.

But that's one of the infinite reasons why I love him.

"Well, that's not really any of your concern, is it?" I replied sarcastically, smirking as I imagined him getting all fidgety over not knowing.

"But Gray," He whined, elongating they 'ay' sound to irritate me, which worked. "I really want to know."

"You'll find out tommrow when I come to your family's Christmas dinner, got it?" I demanded playfully. Natsu harrumphed and agreed reluctantly.

"I gotta go, now, Dad is calling. See you tommorrow, Gray. And by see you, I mean see you," He said softly, the smile in his voice apparent. I felt my face bepaint with a soft blush as I mumbled a quick response and hung up the phone, setting it on top of my chest.

Damn that Natsu, working me backwards and never letting me know what's coming next.

I stared at the ceiling, still not used to the fact I could see again. It's been four years, I recalled aimably. They all seemed so long ago now. As weird and dumb as it sounded, I felt like I had become a new person, moved into a new stage into my life, and I loved every second of it.

Only one thing bothered me though.

I had absolutely no idea what I was going to get Natsu for Christmas.

Yeah, yeah, I get it. It's Christmas Eve and you don't have a present for your boyfriend? I had a lot of things going on. So sue me.

I tapped my fingers together and racked my brain to think of the perfect gift for my special beloved. I tossed and turned on my couch and let out an annoyed whine of frustration, tugging at my hair irritably.

"Ugh!" I groaned, slapping my forehead. "Why am I drawing a blank?" I asked myself, not giving a damn if I sounded crazy, arguing with myself.

Natsu talked about himself so much it should be easy thinking up of a present for the salmon-haired boy. But for some reason, I had not one idea. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

I decided to go ask one of the adults in the house. My mom and Dad were at work, so that left my aunt. I first took a pit-stop in front of Aunt Ur's fingerprint-laden glass door. I raised my hand to the door and knocked softly, gaining her attention from her work.

"Hey, what'cha need?" Aunt Ur asked with a half-smile as she pulled the door open, allowing me to come inside. I took a seat on the familiar overstuffed chair with the ugly patterns and poured out my frustrations like pancake batter on a hot skillet.

"Oh great and holy Aunt Ur, I have come for advice," I said dramatically, placing my hand on my heart. I cleared my throat and sat up straighter. "No, seriously. I have no idea what to get Natsu for Christmas."

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