Episode 4: Horns of The Rhino

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Oh gee it's been what, almost four years since I last updated this? Well I apologize life and my other projects have gotten in the way. I'm still dedicated to this, so my plan is to try to have another 2 or 3 episodes done this year, but no guarantees.  I do know it won't be as long of a hiatus so I apologize once again.  Also I have a story about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse you should check out as well as my Transformers series you should totally check out. Anyway, let's get started. 

A week later the funeral for Ben is held. A few of his friends and the whole Osborn family that is known attends, including Harry's mom Allison. Her beauty is something to behold with her medium length hair in a bob hairstyle. She doesn't speak to Norman the entire time there. With the way Norman is, it would make sense but there are always two sides to every story. Also present is Gwen and her family. Her dad is the chief of police Captain George Stacy. He comes to confront Peter.

George: "I'm sorry Peter I won't rest until we find who did this."

George leaves early because he has work to do. Norman on the other hand has his own promise to make.

Norman: (intense) "I know he said he'd find him, but there's just one problem. He follows the law too blindly. George is a good man but he won't give you the justice you deserve. If I ever find that man I'll kill him for what he's done. I'll even let you watch."

Peter doesn't know what to say and looks at Norman puzzled. Norman realizes what he said and tries to backpedal.

Norman: "Oh what am I saying? I'm sorry that was really out of character for me. It's just that Ben was one of a few people I could call my friend. The world is running out of good men. With you, Harry, and myself I feel like everything is falling apart."

Peter: "I understand. He meant a lot to you, and what you feel I feel even greater."

Norman: "Of course. Just know that no matter what the Osborns are with you until the end. Though you never met him, even my older brother sends his condolences."

Peter: "Tell him I say thanks."

Norman: "We better head out. We're a call away."

The Osbourns leave in their limo. Harry sits in the back alone. Allison finally speaks her first words to Norman.

Allison: "You just had to make it about you didn't you?"

Norman: "What are you talking about?"

Allison: "All that talk about finding that guy and killing him. It must feel good to try to make yourself feel like a hero."

Norman is taken aback.

Norman: "I just... wanted to help Peter. It wasn't meant to be about me."

Allison: "Could've fooled me."

It flashes back to right after the Proto-Goblin was defeated. Harry rushes to hug him tightly. Norman reciprocates the hug

Harry: "Dad you're alright!"

Norman: "Of course I'm alright. You shouldn't doubt me."

Harry pulls away from him.

Harry: "Can't you just act like a real person for once?"

Norman: "I don't follow."

Harry: "You almost died if it wasn't for that spider guy. Why won't you admit you were afraid?"

Norman: "Because that would mean I showed weakness. Harry, I'm your father and I've built a reputation of being a man who has no weaknesses. If I flinched even for a second that would destroy everything I've worked for."

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