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"Hey, hey, Beverly, calm down!"

Max shushed her friend after she got out of detention. Quite literally, Beverly was fuming. Her steps were thudding against the floor.

"Calm down, my ass!" She snapped at Max, her blue eyes twinkling with anger. "That cold-hearted bitch fucking gave me two weeks of detention!" She hissed, walking faster, but still not passing Max, who sighed.

"Just let it slide. We'll just ignore her." She explained stepping by Beverly's side. "Do your homework during detention." Max shrugged with a small smile, trying to cheer her minion up.

"Yeah, not everyone's a nerd, Max."

"Oh, come on! I'm not that much of a nerd!" Max retorted, her frustration still evident in her voice. "Well, you do wear glasses and get straight A's," Bev teased, earning a playful shove from Max. "And you're skinny as hell. Stick."

"I'm tall. Not skinny."

"Fine, tal, and stick-like. Happy?" Beverly laughed, bumping shoulders with Max as they continued down the hallway.


Beverly spun on her feet, pointing her finger up at Max. "Say it again." Max gazed down at her with a nonchalant face. She wrapped her arm around her and threw her over her shoulder. "Shut up, you red raccoon." Beverly yelped and clung to her.

"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, Mayfield!" She screamed as Max smirked amusingly, and Beverly's face turned red from embarrassment. "How are you so strong?! Let me down!" "Beverly yelled at her, digging her nails into Max's shoulder, making her shriek slightly. "Holy shit Max I'm going to fucking beat your ass up so bad you're going to see fucking stars!"

"I think I'm going to pass." Max chuckled, unfazed by Beverly's threats, and continued walking with her over her shoulder. "You're all talk, Bev," she teased as she squirmed in her strong grasp. "Just enjoy the ride."

Beverly groaned and kicked her hard. "I'm telling Susan that you were the one who forgot to turn the water off that day!" As expected, Max put her down. It was a few weeks ago that Max wanted to take a bath and left the water running, causing a minor flood. Beverly always knew how to hit where it hurt the most.

"There." Max sighed, her eyes not pleased by Beverly's comment.

Beverly rolled her eyes with a smirk, flipping her hair that was messy from the wind.

Max opened her mouth to speak, but a giggle stopped her. Children.

Ms. Brown smiled widely. "Alright, my sophomores!" She started clapping her hands, getting everyone's attention. "Our high school is in direct collaboration with the biggest orphanage in Hawkins." She pointed it out. "And today, you will be their caregiver, along with freshmen and seniors."

"What about us?" A junior whined from the crowd.

"Juniors should stay in for accommodation. Go back to your classes." The juniors grumbled but eventually dispersed, leaving the sophomores, freshmen, and seniors to begin their day of volunteering at the orphanage. Ms. Brown led the way, her enthusiasm infectious as she explained the importance of their role in helping the children in need.

They entered a big room, filled with numerous halls that led to different parts of the orphanage.

"You'll be divided into small groups based on power ranking." She started, and the students shrugged. She took a list out of her pocket. "S rank, beginning with two seniors, Veton and Nikolai. Sophomore's." She paused and smiled. "Jane Ives, S rank." Max's jaw fell as she looked at Beverly, who was just as shocked. "Mike Wheeler."

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