The Dragon Army

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This was not going well at all. They were surrounded and unlike most groups they knew how to throw a punch. All of them wore a strange red and black armor with a dragon face mask. Guess that explained the name.

Kai shouted to him "The others are on their way." He nearly cried in joy Ny.... He meant all the other ninja were coming. Another one of the soldiers stepped forward and snarled at him. He looked different his armor was pitch black with his mask a silver grey its fangs seemed to glow in the light.

"We will fulfill our duty what we were meant to do." With that he charged I dodged to the left of his punch but he quickly kicked my legs out from under me. As he pulled his blade off his back it began to glow. He looked at it surprised he then looked at Jay " Its you" Jay was about to ask what when the wall shattered to pieces.

The soldier above him looked at the wall were his friends were coming in and quickly hit Jay on his head and everything went dark.


They quickly made their way to the enemy base jumping on the rooftops to avoid any obstacles. It was pretty close to night so not many people were out but better safe then sorry. When they got to the building they all grouped up. " Ok everyone our objective is to help Kai and Jay taking out the Dragon Army is secondary." He said. The rest of them nodded and Cole punched the wall. They were not expecting to see at least 50 armored soldiers with Kai backed into a wall and Jay on the ground with a particularly large soldier standing over him with a glowing sword. 

Both sides froze in surprise for a second but then the grey masked soldier smacked Jay with the butt of his Sword knocking him out. Nya yelled and charged in with spinjitsu but the grey masked soldier smacked the ground with his sword. A crack opened up and Nya had to quickly stop. 

"My name is General Doom." The soldier started the others had also stopped fighting giving Kai a break. "I will be taking the Storm Shifter with us." He declared grabbing Jay and throwing him over his shoulder. " Your not taking my boyfriend anywhere." Nya yelled pulling out her spear and charging him. He threw Jay to another soldier before facing her.

Meanwhile Lloyd was fighting some of the regular soldiers with Zane. Cole had gone to help Kai. He heard a cry of pain and saw Doom had Nya pinned to a wall. With a bout he punched Doom. With a grunt he dropped Nya and turned towards Lloyd. Before their fight could start though Cole shouted "We have Jay lets go." Lloyd smiled as Doom then d to see they did indeed have Jay. 

"No." He snarled out before Lloyd shouted "retreat". The other instantly jumped away from their opponents and out the destroyed wall Lloyd joined them in Dooms momentary distracton. They quickly made their way back to the monistary where Jay was put in the med bay. 

" So are we going to talk about what happened." Kai started off. "They seem to want Jay for something." Zane said. "But what." Nya asked sounding worried. " I don't know I say we all rest for the night tell master Wu comes back tomorrow then ask him. The others all nodded and went to bed Zane said he'd look after Jay for the night. As Lloyd went to sleep he wondered if master Wu knew what a storm shifter was.

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