Storm Shifter?

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Jay woke up late at night and Zane caught him up on what happened. Lloyd was nervous they were now in the living room waiting for Master Wu. Jay kept looking at them for answers but they said nothing. He knew something must have happened as the other ninja kept looking at him. Lloyd felt bad but he couldn't help thinking what's a storm shifter and why did Doom say Jay was one.

The door opened and everyone turned to see Master Wu walk In. "Master Wu." They all shouted. He seemed surprised by the outburst but must of seen their faces." What happened." He asked and so they told him. He seemed deeply troubled. "Storm shifter I've heard that before I'll have to look into the scrolls of the old masters." 

Jay looked troubled "he called me a storm shifter I don't even know what that is." Master Wu moved to the shelves and stared pulling scrolls of the shelves. "I will look around but you must be vigilant ninja they will most likely be coming."  "We'll be ready." Kai said. 

A loud bang sounded off at the gate. "They're here." Pixel said."Great going Kai." Jay said sarcastically. "Its not my fault they have poor timing." Kai shot back. "This isn't a good time for this." Zane said. "Yeah lets go" Lloyd said. 

When they made it outside the sight before them was surprising to say the least. Over a hundred dragon soldiers were breaking into the monastery the doors having been completely destroyed. "Ninja Go." Lloyd shouted a d they got to work. Each used spinjitsu and slammed into the closest soldiers. They went flying back but another row of soldiers just moved forward. 

They all ended their spinjitsu and continued fighting. Kai went after a group of three that had spears they were about to throw at Zane. Cole was throwing one of them at the others making them fall over. Zane was freezing any that got to close to the monastery entry. Jay was zapping them with lightning and with their armor it probably hurt a lot. Finally Nya and Lloyd were in the middle kicksing and pun hint any who came forward. 

However more just kept coming and coming and the ninja were getting tired. "Fall back." Lloyd shouted he saw the other ninja move to go when a voice snarled "Not so fast." And Doom appeared. He smacked the flat of his sword into Lloyds head causing him to stumble back in pain. 

A device was dropped on the ground. For a second nothing happened but then gas came poaring out of it. His eyes widened but before he could say anything his vision darkened and he fell to theground. He faintly remembers someone saying grab them and lets go before he feels no more.

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