The Thunder Dragon

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They all watched as Jay or the dragon stood up on its four legs. Reaching all the way to the top of the extra large roof. "Finally Kaminari the thunder storm dragon returns." The leader says. Just then the dragon looked at the leader and snarled. He swiped his claw at the leader who pulled out a remote and pressed a button. A collar came from the ceiling and snapped onto the dragons neck. Just as the claw was about to hit he froze.

Nya pulled on her bindings "What did you do to him" she yelled. The boss smiled "I made him.... A creaking sound cut him off and they all looked up just as the collar exploded. With a roar Kaminari the thunder dragon looked at us. He quickly swiped his claws fleening warriors away. A bolt of lightning shot from the sky breaking the ninjas chains but for some reason not hurting them. 

" Ninja Go." Lloyd shouted and they all jumped to action. It was chaos a dragon fleening its tails and claws everywhere, the ninja beating up confused soldiers,people flying through the air and lighting zapping people from the sky. They heard the leader yelling about how they should have used the spell and saw as Doom fled. 

In a matter of minutes the army and its leader where defeated only a few of them escaped. The dragon looked at them and bowed their head. "I have been freed from my curse  thanks to you. My brethren should also have been freed when I was. It is time for me to leave your friend Jay will always have a connection to me so if you ever need help I will come." Kaminski finished. " Thank you." Lloyd said and with a flash the thunder dragon was gone and in its place was Jay. They all ran forward Nya reaching him first. They all hugged him they knew they had to find Doom but for ow it was time to go home. And so the ninja helped Jay back to the monastery with a grand story to tell master wu.

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