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"Master everything is ready." Doom sajd. "Excellent do it as soon as possible and let the ninja watch." "Yes master." Doom said then left. The time of the dragon army is here. 


He woke up slowly head pounding to someone shaking him. He turned and saw it was Zane. "What do we do" he asked. Lloyd looked around they were all chained to the ground it seemed he was the last awake. However Jay was gone. 

"Where's Jay." He asked. " they took him earlier." Zane replied. That's not good he remembered how they wanted jay for something. "At least they didn't get master an or pixel" Cole said. He was about to agree when they heard the sound of multiple footsteps. The dragon army troopers came in going into column after column. There were so many at least a thousand and he realized this was the enemies main headquarters. 

Doom walked in as well as a towering armored figure. All the soldiers bowed to them as they came forward. "Bring forth the storm shifter." With that two soldiers came forward dragging an unconscious jay with them. He was placed on a stone table. "What is a storm shifter" Kai asked. The leader turned to them "I will tell you the story years ago their were 5 powerful dragons. The only ones stronger then them were the source dragons. Each on embodied a storm tsunami, tornado,earthquake,snow, and the strongest thunder. The reason thunder was the strongest is he had infinite power while the others had a limited amount before recharging as well as having a powerful element on his side. Now they were known as pretty peaceful however a part of the story no one knows is we saught them out. We were told we would tame the storms and rule the world. So we found a way to control the dragons."

"However their came a problem a sorcerer put a spell on them so they would be trapped inside a human and reborn with another each time the last died. So now we have come to reclaim one of those dragons. " he finished. 

With that he turned and shouted BEGIN. The crystals around the room began to glow as the ninja took in what they were told. They looked up to see Jay glowing with a flash of light they were all momentarily blinded. However they all felt a heavy, ancient,powerful presence. When Lloyd opened his eyes a huge storm cloud grey dragon with electric blue vein patterns going through it lying before them. It seemed as if the world itself held its breath as the dragons eyes snapped open and it released a powerful roar.

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