Chapter 2

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          As Tinley walked through the herd next to his father, everyone lowered their head in respect. To not do so was a challenge and one did not challenge Doren Tallgrass. Those who had were left to the wolves. A true predator amongst prey.

          " I am not the fastest, nor the strongest, nor the smartest, and yet I lead. Do you know why?"

          "Because of your focus, grit, and determination," Tinley quoted.

          Doren let out a soft chuckle.  "Aye, your mother makes it sound good doesn't she? No, it is because I cheat."


          His father nodded solemnly kneeling down to be at eye level with his son. "Life is no game of sticks played with your friends around the campfire. I lead because I am smarter than the strongest, stronger than the fastest, and faster than the smartest. More than that, I listen to those wiser than I, and fight alongside those who are stronger."

          "Kind of brilliant," Tinley said in appreciation, skipping to keep up with his father's long stride.

          "I like to think so."

          "So this is where we will settle down for the winter?" Tinley asked, breathing deep of the crisp mountain air.

          Doren took him by the shoulders and led him to the edge of the cliff over looking a beautiful forest. "Yes, there are woods for shelter, plenty of flatland to graze, and the streams coming off the mountain will not freeze."

           "No predators?" Tinley asked, unaware that he thought like a leader who put the safety of the herd before anything else.

          Doren smiled at his son. "None of the Vanguard have seen signs of anything we can't handle. But that doesn't mean that you can just run beyond the perimeters whenever the itch hits you."

          "Yes sir,"

          "And I know that you are going to anyways. So be safe and report anything strange back to me immediately. Understand?"

          Tinley laughed. "Yes sir."

         "Good. Now look." Doren said, kneeling down again. He knew the importance of eye contact. "I want you to have this."

          Tinley took the blade, crafted from the bone of a bear, pulling it from it's supple leather sheath. It was smaller than his father's but no less sharp.

           "You are old enough, for practical purposes or defense. Not for fighting. If you fight then fight like I showed you. If you lose then lose like a buck. If you must use this knife then make sure that you are the one who walks away. Cut them here, or stick them here."

          Tinley shivered as his father traced the inside of his thigh but burst out laughing when he poked him in the armpit. "Yes sir."

          "That's my fawn. Now come. Let's run a while."

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