Chapter 8

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          Tinley sat off the trail, atop a rock overlooking the river. To say he was in a bad mood was an understatement. He was positively fuming. To be so ungrateful... "Stupid dog... Inconsiderate... Idiot .... AGHH MUSHROOMS!!"

          "Tinley... Uh, what in the forest are you doing?"

          Tinley looked up to find Dietrich standing there panting hard. It had been several days since they had seen one another and the spike looked much different. His hair was trimmed, antlers gleaming with polish, and he wore a new wrap and boots., But the biggest difference was his eyes. The anger had gone out of them.

          "Hey Dietrich! Wow... You look so handsome!"

          Dietrich blushed hotly but a  proud smile pulled at his lips. "I've been so busy... I haven't had time to properly thank you..."

          "Actually Dietrich... I'm the one who should be thanking you.. you really saved my antlers. Maybe we just call it even?"

          The spike laughed. "Sure. I just want-"

          Tinley let out a small cry when the older boy fell into a fighting stance and whipped his wrap to the side, freeing a hand that held a freshly carved bone blade. "Dietrich!"

          "Tinley run!" He shouted spinning towards the danger... Only to find none. "It's.... It's... Tinley it's you!"

         Tinley started, then realized what was going on, growing a bit embarrassed. "Uh, yes.. it is."

          "You smell like a wolf."

          "Uh, yes.. I do." He agreed, looking seriously at the spike for several moments before explaining everything, only leaving out the caves location which he was sure Dietrich didn't miss.

           Dietrich sat silently through it all, listening intently, his face passing from worry to shock, then horror, and turning from pink to white and finally green in the process. When it was done he sat for a long time with his head in his hands, pulling at his hair. "Why would you tell me this?"

          "Because you're my second," Tinley said in all seriousness, Dietrich's ears perking up at that. "I would never lie to you."

           "Then.... I will give you that same honor," Dietrich said softly. "If you must do this.... And I can tell that you do, then the best advice I can give you, even though it's not much, be careful and don't get caught... Oh, and wash up before you go home. You smell as if you have been on the prowl."

          Tinley stood and they knocked noggins, only getting a few steps before Dietrich called for him.

          "He eats meat, not mushrooms... So take a net down to the river tomorrow.... And stop biting him... Before he bites you back."


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