Chapter 9

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          The fire had long since burned out, leaving the cave cold and dark, permeated so thickly by the smell of wolf that it made Tinley's legs go weak. Deep in the shadows, Galavin had crawled, not to hide but to position himself under a stalagmite with a single drop of water dangling from it's point, his tongue, dry and raspy,  running over his lips in anticipation. So focused on the task was he, that he didn't even notice Tinley's presence until the deer dropped the pack loudly enough to startle him, turning his golden eyes towards the entrance just as the water fell, splattering across his cheek.

          "You look pathetic." Tinley told him.

          The wolf released a sad howl. "I've been hunting that water for hours. You! Your no doe... You're a demon!"

          "I'm a boy!" Tinley told him again with a roll of his eyes.

           Galavin scowled angrily but there was something akin to relief in his eyes. "I thought you were never coming back."

          Tinley pulled off his wrap dropping it to the ground before he helped the wolf sit up and move towards the fire pit. His skin was freezing, teeth chattering lightly, basically forcing Tinley to feel bad about leaving. "I said I was leaving... I never said I wasn't coming back."

          "Dunno why you were so mad at me anyways," Galavin pouted. " You're the one who bit me. I got bit by a baby deer.. That's so degrading!"

          Tinley giggled, a funny sound he wasn't sure he had ever made before. "It was very fulfilling for me... Kinda like the tables have turned."

          "Oh I'm sure you're very proud of yourself... Demon deer," the wolf muttered, scooting closer to the fire.

          Tinley walked to his pack, coming back with a large wrap, and draped it around the predator's shoulders.

          "Who is this," Galavin asked, sniffing it. "Your brother?"

          "It's an elk."

          "Ah, your cousin then."

          Tinley ran his fingers over the wolf's fur earning him a funny look. " I bet your fur would make a nice wrap."

          That hung in the air between them for a moment and then then Galavin pressed his head into Tinley's touch surprising them both.

          "You want some mushroom soup?"

          The wolf huffed dramatically. "Yeah... Sure... Sounds great"

          Tinley pulled two large salmon from the bag, dangling them in front of Galavin who's eyes bulged, almost to the point of popping out of his head.

          "Oh demon deer! Gimme gimme!!"

          "Relax puppy. Let me clean and cook them first," he said tossing the wolf a water bag, "and"

          "Small sips... Yes. I know"

          Tinley watched as he ate, expecting a ravenous, animalistic display of hunger that came with growls and the snapping of teeth but was surprised with the delicate, almost intimate way Galavin nibbled and licked the fish, taking small breaks to rub his face against it. It made his belly grow warm and his cheeks burned at the though of how good it would feel to be eaten alive.

          Almost as if he felt himself being watched, Galavin turned those golden eyes on him, smiling coyly. "Where are my manners? Would you like some?"

          "Idiot," Tinley whispered.

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