Chapter 3

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          Tinley's father had been right, as he usually was. The herd had plenty of time to set up for the winter and by the time the snows began to fall, everyone had their hits assembled, the stores full, and the perimeter trails had been set. He had also been right when he said that Tinley would go beyond them. Of course he would. The trails were boring. No one ever came running up shouting "guess what I saw on the trails!!" Because it was nothing.

          Tinley sat by the fireplace, sipping his almond soup, while his mother sewed, and his father crafted new boots nearby. He sighed loudly, looked around, sighed again.

          "Something troubling you mushroom?" His mother asked, without looking up.

          "Oh... No.... I'm just sitting here."

           "With your wrap and boots on," Doren added.

           "And itching to get into trouble I'm sure," his mother continued his father's thought.

           Tinley rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Mooooom! Boys get into trouble. It's what we do! Like when Dad got his antlers stuck in Mr. Sorren's flap the other day."

           That did make his mom look up. "What is he talking about."

         "Oh, no. I'm not sure. Addled in the brain most like-"

         "Sure you do Dad!" Tinley said happily. "Remember, you almost tore his entire hut down."

          "Why is this the first I'm hearing about it!?"

          "He's talking crazy Launia! You really can't trust anything a boy says at that age!"

          "Then the fire spread," Tinley continued.

          "FIRE!?? DOREN TALLGRASS!"

          Tinley shook his head sadly. "Burned up all of his boots and everything."

          "Look you little traitor!" Doren said in exasperation. "Why don't you go find literally, anywhere else to be. Preferably the belly of a wolf."

          "You got it Dad," he said happily, hopping up and bolting through the flap.

          "It was only a little fire," Doren was saying in an attempt to explain.

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