Chapter 6

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         Tinley arrived to find the camp in a state of frenzy, everyone outside and watching as his father barked orders to a Vanguard in full battle dress but at the site of him everything went still.... Silent. The emotion on his father's face quickly going from worry to relief..... To fury. He lowered his head as he approached.

          "Where have you been?" His father asked in a clipped tone, voice colder than the snow that fell around them.

          Tinley shook his head softly. "I'm sorry-"

          "Sorry! You're sorry!? You know the rules. Back before dark. Everyone was about to come in search for you."

          "I-I know.... But," Tinley stuttered, searching for an excuse, knowing he couldn't say where he had been and knowing the price he would pay if he didn't.

          "You're grounded, confined to the camp itself and if you go anywhere near the trails you will be sorry," Doren warned and his word was law.

          "Dad! You can't!"

          "YOU DARE!" His father screamed, every deer in the camp dipping their head with some even going as far as falling to one knee... Every deer but one... Every deer but Tinley who looked up at his father with unflinching resolve. "Now you will tell me where you have been. You will tell me what you have been doing. You will tell me NOW!"

          "No," Tinley said, drawing a collective gasp from everyone, his father's mouth opening and closing in shock. Tinley had never defied him before and he hated to start now but there was nothing... Nothing and no one who would stop him from what he had to do.

          Before what ever was about to happen happened and oh forest was something about to happen, a voice rang out from behind them.

         "It's not his fault." Dietrich said, voice loud and clear, fearless, as if his lead buck held no threat, as if nothing he said or did could possibly make his life any worse than it already was, as if he had absolutely nothing in this world to lose and his last act would be to protect the only boy to show him one single iota of kindness. "You probably didn't notice I was missing as well. That's okay. No one else did either."

          "Dietrich!" Tinley started but the older boy silenced him with one quick sharp shake of his head.

          "No Tinley, it's okay. It's my fault. Since no one here has the antlers to speak on it I will. The only thing my father is good for is is drinking and beating his son. Look around. The only deer too drunk to come looking for his Buck's fawn," Dietrich announced loudly, pausing a moment to let his words sink in before continuing. "I am already a spike and still don't have a blade to my name, my father too weak a buck to make the kill, too uncaring to craft me one if he wasn't. I let this pain get the best of me today and I assaulted Tinley but instead of punishing with his fists, he humbled me with his words, assuring me that he wouldn't let something as meager as a useless father hold me back. So he has been training me in secret."

My father dipped his head in understanding, eyes filling with pride. His voice was softer now. "Still he should have been home..."

          "He knew it was late and that we should come back but I begged him to stay. The only thing he is guilty of is mercy and he won't tell you because it would shame me but I won't let him suffer to save me from embarrassment....I'm embarrassed everyday I watch a fawn three summers my junior accomplish a step towards a manhood I may never see. So if anyone is to be punished here... It's me"

          "By the forest Doren, I think it's us that deserves the punishment here," Elonon, a grizzled old buck said, stepping forward, with the others loudly voicing their agreement. "All of us know what's going on and the only one with the antlers to do anything about it is your fawn. I can only hope that one day my spread will grow as wide as his."

Tinley dipped his head toward Elonon who had offered the highest praise one deer could offer another, though he hadn't truly earned it, but Dietrich had given him an out and no choice but to take it. He didn't know how much Dietrich knew but it was enough to put together that he had to have freedom of movement and he owed the older boy a great debt.

          "My boy is grown, and a fine buck he has become, but I still have many good years left in me and it would do my mate good to have a boy to dote on again. It would be an honor to help your antlers grow son.?

          Dietrich dipped his head lower than he ever had before, his chin touching his chest and his voice thick with emotion. "The honor would be mine sir..."

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