Double the Mess

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Grant's POV

The twins are 2 months old today, and they are getting so big. I'm currently at home watching the babies while C is at the store, grabbing groceries, diapers, wipes, etc.

We literally have been so busy that we haven't been able to go to the store and the only diapers and wipes we have left are in our diaper bag which is why she went out to get more.

The twins are currently napping, so I decided to try and tidy up the house. I already finished the nursery, which wasn't super messy, living room, and kitchen. I also did the laundry, so the only thing left to do is our room, which has baby stuff everywhere.

C really wanted me to wait so she could help me clean, but I wanted to do something for my wife. After all, she did carry the bubbas for 9 months. I also know that I like to cook more and she likes to clean more so usually even though we do both, I take on cooking and she cleans but today I wanted to do both.

As I finished changing the sheets in our room both the twins woke up, so I picked them up and put them on the bed with little baby noodle borders so they won't roll while I go warm up a bottle for them. Liyah actually happens to eat more than KJ even though she is still smaller than him. When C pumps, she pre-measures it out for both of them before putting it in the freezer so it's easier, especially when we are sleep deprived to know which bottle is for which baby.

After warming up the bottles I head back into the room and feed them on the bed, when they both finish I burp them and let them fall back asleep in the middle of the bed so I can start to fold clothes. As I'm folding, I get a facetime from C, and I pick up.

C: "hi my love" G: "hey princess, you on your way back" C: "yeah I'm like 25 minutes out" G: "that's good, we miss you" I point the camera to the bubbas. C: "aww I miss you too" she pouts her lip a little bit.

C: "whatcha doing" G: "just finished cleaning up the house" C: "baby I wanted you to wait for me, your already cooking dinner tonight" G: "I know but I just wanted to do both today to take some stress off my lovely girlfriend" C: "thanks love" G: "no problem baby"

As we converse, I start to smell something so rancid. G: "what the fuck" C: "what" G: "I think one of the twins toke a mean poop" I walk back over to the bed from the dresser and pick up KJ to cheek him first and as I lift him up I see poop all over the bed and all up the back of his onesie.

G: "damnit" C: "what happen" G: "KJ had a blow out on the bed" C: "really, let me see how bad" I walk back over to the dresser where my phone is propped up and show her his back" C: "ohh that's bad" G: "and it got on the fresh sheets" while still holding KJ I walk around the room and look for the diaper bag and it's not there so I look in the nursery and it's not there either, so I head back in the room.

G: "have you seen the diaper bag" C: "fuck, it's in the car with me I forgot to take it out last night" G: "damn" as I'm trying to figure out what to do, I hear it.

C: "don't tell me that was Liyah" I gently lean her over and see she just had a blowout on the bed as well. G: "whyyyy" C: "she had a blow out as well didn't she" G: "yep... thank God I didn't put on the good sheets" C: "I'll be home in 5 minutes, I love you" G: "love you too" the one time we don't have diapers.

Candice's POV

C: "I'm home" G: "in the room" I head upstairs with the diaper bag and see the mess the babies made.

C: "damn" G: "I know" C: "ok so how about I take them while you change the sheets I'll wipe them off and get the bath started" G: "ok"

I take both babies from him who are still dressed because he didn't want to risk them pooping again with nothing on. I head to the bathroom and wipe them off with wipes.

The babies were only wearing plain white onesies, so I just tossed them and got their bath started.

G: "sheets are changed and the others or in the washer" C: "ok good, can you bathe Liyah while I get KJ" G: "yeah of course" he picks up Liyah. G: "come on daddies stinky princess" C: "don't be callin our baby stinky" G: "she is" C: "just like you" G: "and KJ stinky like you" C: "uh" I put my hand over my chest and act offended.

C: "take it back" G: "you first" I stick my tongue out at him. C: "come on bubba, let's get you cleaned up your daddy is being mean" G: "am not" C: "are too" we both laugh and get the babies washed up changed and back to sleep. G: "I love you momma" C: "I love you daddy" I kiss him, and we go head to the kitchen to make dinner. What a day.

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