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Sophie's POV
I walked round the corner and loads of people jumped out all screaming surprise.
I instantly felt bad I had been soo moody with every one because I thought they forgot. But they didn't!!!
I was ecstatic I ran up to everyone saying hello and just spending the day with all of my best friends and having a good day. We all enjoyed it all and it was a good break before knowing we had to go back on tour. Don't get me wrong I love your and its amazing to meet all the fans but it's just that being away from family and friends and in a different country mostly and it's just all quite fast.

So I spent the rest of the night with all of my friends and family just enjoying having everyone here. I didn't see much of Luke or anyone to be honest but I am sure they were having as much fun as I did and I am sure they made sure it was a good party. To think today started with me thinking nobody knew it was my birthday and I thought no one cared but actually they cared that much that they would organise me a party and show just how much they all care. The party finished late but I couldn't thank everyone enough and I went to bed a happy girl.

Sorry guys I haven't been on this and I am afraid it's coming to an end xx there should be another chapter left but then that's it and this series is finished xx

((((Also Screaming--Insanity helped me come up with this idea and so please go and follow her and check her out xx ))))

-Sophie xxx

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