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July 21🗓
St.james (San and jay house)📍


"Everyday uh fuxking get up ya mek problem ino and mi nuh Inna it!" Jayden Said walking away.


"Everything is always my fuxking fault uh Eva a try blame mi fi everything what about you?" I said crying

"What about me? Likkle girl if yk wah good fi uh u Lowe man alone n move outta mi way yer cause wyms by wah bout fucking me? San uk how much things mi a go tru?" He said to me angrily.

So im not going through anything?

Lowe him?

N immediately I ran to the bathroom and vomited.

"So am I not going through anything?" I said trembling.

He only chuckled and walked around the table.

"Alk wen uh sick tpc yah argue " he said

"Nuh know y uh tek up e oman title pon uh head n worst the mother with asanique." He mumbled but I heard


I ran up to the room with him following behind me saying srry.

"San mi srry mi neva mean dat aswr b" he said pulling my hands but I pulled it away and took up my phone and cash.

As I passed the mirror to go for a joggers my eyes were red and swollen.

I've been crying non stop from morning and jayden isn't much help since he's the cause of it.

"San weh yah go uh nuh see rain a fall?" He said lowly.


I took up my car keys and messaged Ashley that I was coming over.

Luckily she didn't say no.

I pushed pass him crying more going downstairs to feed my puppy.

"Hungry ma?" I asked her as she barked.

I could feel jayden eyes on me but I didn't look around.

Fuck him frl

Bout Lowe him alone.

As dat phrase went through my mind again I started crying more.

"Sanique whamo to u?" Jayden said worriedly hugging me from behind.

"Let go off a me jayden and don't ever touch mi back" I said seriously

He let's go off me and back away.

I took up my sweater zipped it up and left without another word and another look at the man I love.

My mother hates me

His mother hates me

He hates me

He doesn't trust me

What next?

I'm so tired.

As I drived out of the yard my phone started ringing.


"Sanique weh uh deh?" My father said lowly.

Wait wat

"Daddy awa mi deh home" I said looking at my house now driving out on the main road.

"Mi have smth fi tell uh" he said a hint of worry in is voice.

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