Eyes on Me

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A/N: This one was suggested based on a previous chapter titled "My Special Spot." Instead, there's a jealous Chi who wants Perth's attention so he sits on his lap. Because this is a remixed version, the beginning is very similar to the other story.

Looking over my shoulder to Perth, who was sitting beside me on this gray couch, I noticed his sweet smirk. His lips were curved the slightest bit upward as he looked at me, but when our eyes met each other he began grinning wildly.

Everything about him is so handsome, no one could deny that fact. And when he smiles at me like this, with his perfect teeth showing as his checks become round and almost hide his eyes from me, I nearly become putty. He is so attractive from his pinkish lips to his fingernails even to his ankles.

I can't stop myself from being so shy as I look him, and even more so when I felt him touch my back. His left hand found its way from the bottom of my shoulder blade down to my waist. At his touch, I felt an intense prickly feeling run through my body, swirling around in my stomach and then bursting through my chest.

All I could do is smile at him, trying to send him a message with my eyes.

Then he said, "Chimon is cute."

A nervous laugh automatically escaped from my lungs as my heart began beating exponentially faster. Despite my intense bashfulness, I scooted closer towards him. My right leg grazed against his left leg and his touch binding to my waist.

"You're always very cute to me," Perth said in a low voice and half lidded eyes.

Unknowingly biting my lip I gawked at his dreamy eyes. I love the endearing words that roll off his lips and travel into my ear.

"Chimon?" I suddenly heard Mae Add call from the next room. Suddenly, I realized that I was completely captivated by Perth. Snapping out of it, I awkwardly pulled away from his side and shot up.

Then I walked to Mae Add.

It's not like we've never been that close before. And actually, we've been closer than that before, so why am I feeling so hot and caught off guard?

Mae asked me to approve something. And soon I was walking back to sit by Perth.

As I entered the room, drawing my gaze immediately to him. He was sitting in his same position but now with phone out. He was intently looking at the screen and typing something.

He seemed to be very focused on it. But I want him to be looking at me instead.

As I came back, I stood in front of the couch as he kept staring at his phone. He didn't even look up to me. Instead, he kept his head tilted downward. The exciting electric tingles in my stomach were gone and replaced with a snowstorm.

I want him to only notice me. Not wherever is on his phone.

I bit my lip again as I sat back down with a massive pull in my chest. But instead of sitting on the sofa, I sat on Perth's lap.

Now on his right leg and up close to him, I watched him. He was obviously surprised as he finally looked away from his phone.

His right hand came to gently hold my back with his left hand still holding the phone. Finally, now, his attention was on me. He met my gaze with a shocked expression: wide eyes and a slack jaw.

"I'm back," I said.

He closed his mouth and put his phone down on the seat cushion.

"I can see that. Is P'Mon feeling clingy?" He asked in a teasing voice. At the same time, his left hand now found its place on my knee.

"No," I said as my left arm slid around his shoulders, holding onto him.

"Are you sure?" He said with a small laugh. Then one of his fingers poked my stomach, attempting to tickle me.

That warm excitement came back slowly. "Perth!" I excitedly exclaimed in a low volume.

He continued tickling me which made me cling more onto him. My right hand held onto his other shoulder. "Stop it, Perth." I couldn't help but giggle too, settling my face near his.

Finally, he stopped. "So cute so cute," he whispered to me as I hid my face from his view. He smelled so good, like always. That hint of vanilla in his musky cologne invaded my senses as I stayed in this spot. A trickle of electricity zoomed down my spine.

I want all of his attention.

I finally brought my face out of hiding to look at him. His eyes. His beautifully brown eyes met mine and his gaze was directed at me. That electricity was speeding through my body, in each part of me, but I could feel it the most in my stomach and along my back.

"You're always so cute to me," his said in a sincere voice. Then I felt his hand on my back moving back and forth, trying to comfort me. Luckily for him, I liked it.

As I looked at his sweet grin, I couldn't help but rejoice at his attention.

Finally, I said, "If that's true...Why weren't your eyes on me when I came back?"

His lips parted and his eyes searched my face in an questioning expression.

I watched as his eyes raced around my face. Looking at my nose, my lips, my chin, over to my right cheek, then my forehead, back to my eyes, to my left check, and finally to my eyes again.

I huffed before asking, "if you think I'm so cute then why wasn't your concentration focused on me? Why were you more interested in your phone?" Batting my eyes, I waited for his answer.

Just then, I saw a twinkle in his eyes and a very light pinky hue come to his cheeks.

"Well?" I said as I leaned in closer, pressing my body against his. Tightening my grip on his shoulder.

Perth's mouth began to move, but nothing came out. His hand on my leg also moved, rubbing my knee in a soothing manner. He seemed speechless as a smile curved onto his lips.

Feeling the ticklish rush of energy inside me, I whispered in his ear, "I just want your eyes on me, always." Then biting my lower lip, I looked to his meet his gaze once again. A burst of shyness exploded in my throat.

He responded in a low tone, "Cute. My P'Mon is cute. I'm always looking at you, even when you don't realize it, I always have."

A/N: The last few stories have been about a jealous Chimon. Maybe I should add some more jealous Perth stories in this collection too?

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