Retreat to Comfort

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What if Chimon did go to the outing and this is what happened 😜 This is written in Perth's pov which takes place at the GMMTV 2024 outing

The fragrant smell of the food circulates through the large dinning room, through the vents, under the tables, and out into the hall. Glancing down, I see that it's already 9 p.m. and I'm ready to leave. The slow ticking of my watch almost feels like it's slower than usual. Time couldn't be passing that slowly, could it be? I just want to go up stairs to the secluded comfort of my room. This resort stay is fun, but I just need to relax.

The rolling murmur of conversation filled the room with noise that drowned out the low music playing in the background. Laughter was ringing in my ears as I looked around the table.

Many of my friends, colleagues, all my Phi's and Nong's, sat around making jokes, telling stories, and even gossiping. I was trying listen to what ever P'Ohm was saying. Although, my energy was wearing thin at this point in the day.

As I looked to the other side of me, I saw P'Chimon in a nonstop conversation with P'Papang. I wanted Chimon to talk to me instead, but that would be selfish and rude. But, I missed him so much over that last week and a half. We were able to chat yesterday and today. Just not like we used to, before he got sick.

Even though he is feeling better that didn't stop me from worrying about his symptoms throughout the trip so far. On the drive here in the bus, I kept glancing over to him to check that he was fine. During the drive he kept his sunglasses on and was smiling like usual.

Chimon was his usual cheery self that was making jokes and clinging to my side when he were out by the beach and at lunch.

Now, finishing dinner. Watching him, he faced the other way with his straight hair bouncing when he laughed. I very quietly scooted my chair towards him to listen. Inching away from my dinner plate towards his spot, I could hear the conversation. But really, I didn't actually know what they were saying. Instead my view slowly wandered towards the curve of Chimon's neck and then to his posture as he leaned towards Papang.

I just wanted to place my arm around him and pull him closer and into my lap. But that would be odd, right? That would be bit weird to suddenly take over his actions so that he was paying attention to me.

• • •

Feeling like everything was all too much right now. I just need some alone time. Really, I should be here with everyone. It's a bit weird, maybe, that I'm going to go lay in bed by myself like I'm hiding away.

Thankfully Chimon was totally understanding, like always, when I told him my plan. He seemed a little bummed that I would be leaving him, but we know each other well enough now to know that this entire day was a little too chaotic for me.

People dancing and drinking all around were just adding to my overstimulation. The lights were dimmer in the large event room with pop music blaring from the speakers.

Chimon was at my side. My arm around his shoulder, we watched as Ohm and P'Leng told a crazy story. Chimon was definitely paying a lot more attention than I was. He was nodding along. But I just wanted to lean on him and listen to him talk to me. It might also be nice to just sway in silence together. We don't need to talk. Sometimes it's comforting to just be beside each other in a sort of peaceful silence.

The alcohol settling in my stomach, I was really ready for bed now. And when Ohm and Leng both left, I was ready to retreat to my room. Still with my arm around Chimon, pulling him in tightly, he smiled brightly up to me. Right now, he's a few centimeters shorter since I'm wearing my black boots which add a little bit of height.

"Okay, I'm going up stairs now," I said to him. Receiving shiny eyes that showed a hint of his complete understanding.

Before he could respond, I quickly kissed him on his left cheek.

"Woah! What was that for?" Chimon shyly said as he beamed up to me. His hand lifted to touch that spot on his skin.

Feeling a bubble in my stomach, I leaned in, "Well I gave you one last year. So now, again, one for this year." Then, I pulled Chimon in for a hug. Whispering, I said, "Be expecting one next year too. I will lay one on you every year. Besides, shouldn't you be use to my kisses by now."

Profusely blushing, Chimon pulled away from my embrace and looked around to see if anyone was watching us. "You're c-crazy Perth," he mumbled as he looked back to me.

I couldn't help but laugh at this shy demeanor of his.

• • •

Upstairs in my room, I showered and then laid in bed. With my back to the headboard, I seeped into the pillows and blanket as I searched the television channels for a film.

This was nice. Just my thoughts and no need to talk or force a smile or do anything at all.

After a while, I found an Mafia action movie that I've never seen before. I always like watching new films so I don't mind it at all.

About 15 minutes in to the movie there was a knock at the door. Not sure who that could be. I don't want to leave and go back down stairs either. Pausing the movie, I then opened up. It's Chimon.

"I hope I didn't wake you," he said as his head titled to the side with a small smirk.

"No, I'm just here. Not doing much. You wanna come in?"

"Thanks," he said as he walked passed me to the the bed. "I just want to make sure you were alright. I know this is kind of early for you to be sleeping."

He is so kind and caring to me. How am I so lucky to have him walking beside me all the time.

As I approach him, I just explained, "My social battery is just drained. I promise I'm fine."

"Okay, well if you're really fine, I can go then," Chimon said as he quickly stood up from the spot he took on the bed.

I grabbed his hand, curling my fingers into his palm, to stop him. "You can stay... Do you want to watch this movie with me?" I said as I pointed to the tv screen.

"Yeah, I'd like that," he said with a nod as he pulled off his jacket.

Laying down on my back to watch the movie, Chimon sat on the other side of the bed, leaning his head onto the headboard. We were about half an arms length apart. Though, I wanted deeply to pull him closer.

After a few minutes, I just closed my eyes, not quite sleeping yet, as I listened to the sound effects. A crashing car and a dramatic violin playing. 

Suddenly, I felt the bed shift a little and then Chimon rolling over to me. Glancing at him, I saw Chimon resting his head on the same pillow as me while his cheek was pressing to my shoulder. He's so adorable like this.

Continuing to watch the movie, there was a fight scene happening. At the same time, I began to become more drowsy. Relaxing into this position, I gazed from the movie down to the bed. Steadily, I reached for Chimon's hand, moving to intertwine our fingers. Without a word spoken, he reciprocated this action, with our palm now pressed together.

This was thrilling for my heart, but so normal all at the same time. Our hands always fit perfectly together.

The weirdness that came from abandoning the party down stairs had left. I didn't need to be anywhere else but right here. I liked this. Simply listening to the dialogue from the movie and the low breath of Chimon, before falling asleep.

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