Agnetha and Björn - Monday morning

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Let me know what you think about this story so far. Hope you enjoy reading it, I'll try posting it a bit more regularly.  

It was only 6.00 AM when Björn began to stir. He opened his eyes and what he saw right in front of him made his heart swell. The love of his life snuggled with their youngest granddaughter. He got out of the bed slowly, careful not to wake the angels still soundly sleeping in the bed. He walked into the kitchen and prepared breakfast for the whole family. He brewed a pot of coffee and poured himself a cup. It was just past 7.00 AM when Nike made her way downstairs. She was as lively as ever, and he was glad that Agnetha hadn't woken up yet. He knew she needed sleep he saw that she wasn't here usual self. One by one the rest of the family came down to breakfast. It was just past 10.00 AM when Christian and Isabelle walked through the front door. No one was really surprised to see him there it was obvious that he and Agnetha still loved each other. He looked at the clock, it was almost eleven already. Where was she? He knew that now she didn't usually sleep in, and this was weird. Even when they were young, she would come down by ten. He made his way back upstairs into her bedroom. He opened the door and slowly approached the bed. He sat down next to her on the bed and leaned over her only to see that she wasn't breathing.

He felt like all the air has been sucked out of his body. What on earth is wrong? Why isn't she breathing? He turned her on her back and looked for heartbeat. Her hearth still had a heartbeat. He let out a breath and screamed for Linda and started doing CPR.

Björn's scream was heard in the kitchen and suddenly everything fell silent, nothing and nobody moved. Not a moment later both Linda and Christian came running up the stairs into their mother's room. They slammed the door open and the scene in front of them made them stop in their tracks. Linda couldn't hold her tears and started sobbing instantly while Christian tried to keep his head straight and called for an ambulance.

It took 20 minutes for the ambulance to arrive. Luckily Agnetha was breathing again but still didn't wasn't responding. All the grandkids were scared to the bones. None of them truly understanding what was happening, grandma was fine last night and suddenly everything seemed wrong. It felt impossible and yet it was happening. Isabelle tried to keep everyone as calm as possible when the ambulance arrived. They climbed the stairs and mere minutes after came back down carrying Agnetha on the stretcher.

By the time the ambulance arrived, Linda was sobbing uncontrollably. Her mom seemed so pale, and she just couldn't hold it together. Christian came over to her and took her in his arms, he too felt like the world was collapsing around them. Agnetha was taken into the ambulance and Björn went in with her while Christian drove with Linda in his car following the ambulance to the hospital.

Who could have thought that such a beautiful morning could suddenly go so wrong?

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