On the road

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Sukuyo placed food on the table.

Everyone but Kojo: It's time for dinner!

Everyone begins to eat.

(Kojo: It's been a few weeks since fighting Satsuki and Ryuko, I moved the Mankanshoku to a better house thanks to the Speedwagon foundation lately the elite five have been rather nice to me. Especially that girl with the pink hair...I think her name is Nonon. She's been really pushy.)


Kojo at a soda machine he pressed the button and a soda comes out and he begins to drink it.

???: Here.

He looked over to see Nonon giving him money.

Kojo: Uh?

Nonon: Just take it.

Kojo: But I have enough money.

Nonon: I don't care just take it!

Kojo: Okay, Okay jeez.

CGR takes the money and placed it into Kojo's wallet.

Kojo: Thanks I guess.

Nonon walks off.

Nonon: See ya.

Kojo: The hell just happened?

CGR: That is a mystery even to me master.

Flashback ends

(Kojo: Gamagoori and the other two in the elite five have also been helpful. Yesterday Mako was kidnaped again I went to go fight the guys myself...but by the time I got there Mako was already free.)

It shows Kojo and CGR giving everyone a look as Mako was waving at them.

(Kojo: And don't even get me started on Satsuki and Ryuko.)

It shows Satsuki and Ryuko in dressed sitting down in a dining hall while romantic music plays.

Satsuki/Ryuko: Well hello love/sexy~

Kojo: Sup.

(Kojo: (Sigh) But it's been good so far. Haven't been dealing with anything too bad.)

(CGR: Don't forget about the other thing.)

(Kojo:....Do I have to?)

(CGR: Master.)

(Kojo: (Sigh) Fine, okay me and my mom are doing okay. I decided I was acting like a prick and told myself to start talking to her again. There you happy now dude?)

(CGR:(Teasing Kojo) It's so cute you guys, he gets embarrassed over the littlest things. Two days ago, they were hanging out once the day was finished, she said she loved him, and he blushed so hard. I knew those two could get along.)

(Kojo: Shut. up. (Sigh) Anyways I got a message from someone and heard that Satsuki is having one of her speeches that I need to be there for so whatever what's the worse that could happen?)

Honnouji academy

Satsuki: Today! We embark on the complete overhaul of the student council! If you participate you will have free range to attack your peers! There are no restrictions to weapons or tactics! Those who survive will meet here in 7 days these survivors will then fight to claim your social status! A fight for change! An election in a form of a battle royal!

CGR slowly looks at Kojo.


Satsuki: Unlike traditional elections you will not choose someone to represent you! You, will represent yourself! Your status, your strength, your way of life, in seven days at 8:30 A.M the survivors who have assembled here will have a sudden death run-off! And if you emerge victorious I will personally grant you a new Goku uniform! Now Students of Honnouji academy! FIGHT!!!

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