Kojo Joestar vs Houka Inumata

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Kojo and Inumata stood in front of each other as everyone was cheering.

(CGR: So, you wanna end this quickly?)

(Kojo: Let me see what he's cooking first.)

Mako: Darn it they won't let me be Jojo's assistant if I was up there with him I could totally help.

She felt someone sit next to her and looked up to see Gamagori. 

Mako:....Where are your clothes.

Gamagori: I have been demoted. That's all and it's only right if I sit in the no star bench with you. He then looked up. Lady Satsuki and Ryuko I promise I'll work my way up from this shame return to your good graces. I'll show you that my kindness will not be in vain.

Kojo looked at Inumata seeing him look on his phone. He then looked at Ryuko and Nonon.

(Kojo: I wonder how those fights will go.)

Ryuko noticed Kojo looking at her she then waves at him. He smiles and waves back.

Nonon: (Pout)

Nonon noticed Kojo waving at her as well making her blush and look to the side.

Inumata: Your Stand's power is fascinating but I notice your breathing heavier, and your heart rate is elevated. I hope you didn't get too tired while fighting Gamagori. 

Kojo: Man, Gamagori is him so yeah, I'm a bit tired. but that's not going to stop me from winning this.

Satsuki: Heh, Begin!

Second Battle!


Inumata: My lady.

A mask forms on his face as he transform.

Inumata: Three-star Goku uniform probe regalia!

(CGR: Probe Regalia?)

Inumata was scanning Kojo.

(Kojo: Yeah...I'm going to end this quickly)

Kojo started to hop in place.

Kojo: (Deep breath)  Hooooooo!

A golden glow started to surround Kojo.

Inumata: So, you decided to use your Hamon instead I must say that's a bad decision.

Kojo: HAAAA!

Kojo throws a punch when he did Inumata dodges it. What he didn't noticed was Kojo smirking. Kojo throws a kick shocking Inumata but he dodges at the last second.

(inumata: What? He's faster than I thought)

Inumata jumps back and started to scan Kojo.

Kojo: You might wanna give up now. Before I make this quick.

Inumata: Please at this rate I already scanned you and what you're going to do next.  So before you attack I'll attack first.

Inumata jumps back and disappears.

Kojo: (Smirk) Hmph.

CGR: This is bad where did he go.

Kojo: Oh, I don't know he's pretty-OOF!

Kojo was hit in the stomach sending him back a bit.

Kojo: T-That hurt. What the hell wa-Ah!

He was then hit him the face.

Inumata: When it comes to optical illusion the best strategy is to dodge them then when one counter attacks one can inflict psychical damage.

Kojo: IKU!

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