Junketsu and Senketsu Vs The birth of a requiem stand

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In class Kojo was watching Comet Gold floating around Aikuro poking his head.

(Kojo: What the hell is he doing?)

After class Comet Gold was pushing Kojo after Aikuro.

Kojo: Okay, buddy chill I'm going I'm going!

Kojo goes around the corner to see Aikuro gone.


CG pouts as he crosses his arm looking at his master.

Kojo: Hey, don't look at me like that how was I supposed to know he was a wizard?

Mako: OOOH JOJO!!!

Kojo opens his arm as Mako lands in his arms and she hugs him.

Mako: Wondering the halls by yourself huh?

CG grabbed Mako and lifted her up revealing a note on her back.

Kojo: See me after school.....everyone in this school is batshit insane.

Kojo was in Aikuro house sitting on the couch while Aikuro sat on the open window.

Kojo: Sorry about my stand he's been very observant of things.

Aikuro: It's quite alright Jojo. Now I believe you need information on how you obtained your stand and why you have it. Well to answer your first question I was the one who struck you with the arrow.

Kojo: Huh?

Aikuro: You see the arrow I hit you with gave you that stand but the only downside of it was if you were going to survive or not.

Kojo: Wait...I could of died?

Aikuro: Yes you could have but you didn't that arrow gave you your powers. The only thing that can rival a Kamui. 

Kojo: A Kamui? I know about life fibers but I don't know about Kamui's.

Aikuro: Kamui are made entirely out of life fibers. You see the Kiryuin's sister father made these life fibers but sadly he passed away in an accident.

Kojo: Okay...there's gotta be foul play in this.

Aikuro: There is.

Kojo: But tell me why do you know this?

Aikuro: Because I hate the tyranny of the Kiryuin's before their father died I was working with him and the Speedwagon Foundation were working together to try and put a stop to their plans for world domination. You could believe my surprise when I found out your mother wanted the same thing.

Kojo: Tch, can we not talk about her?

Aikuro: I know, I know...but you have to listen. You might not know it but she has been working non-stop to helping finding your sister murderer while also trying to stop the Kiryuins.

Kojo: Yeah, sure....

Aikuro: Jojo, please try to give her a chance...if not for her do it for your teacher.

Kojo looks at Aikuro and sighs.

Kojo: Fine...but I won't be talking to her.

Kojo got up.

Aikuro: That arrow...do you still have it?

Kojo: Yeah, I haven't gotten rid of it for some reason it's been calling to me and CG and I don't know why.

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