Chapter 27: Season 3 - Human Realm

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Camilla brought us inside and gave us some food to eat. That's also when we met Vee, she was surprised to see all of us but helped us settle in. After we ate, Camilla started to do the dishes but Gus came over and used a spell that does dishes. Amity went over and offered Camilla some tea but she made it the wrong way, Camilla didn't seem to mind. I followed Luz and Hunter to the bathroom, where she grabbed some band-aids. "Hey, thanks for not telling the that I'm..." Hunter said and then shut up. "A Grimwalker?" Luz said but Hunter shhed her. "Don't say it so loud!" Hunter said and then calmed down a bit. "What about you? How have you been since, uh" Hunter started to say then stopped. "Since we were in Belos's mind? Since I found out I helped him meet The Collector? Om my gosh, Hunter, Y/n- Y/n! You're ears!" Luz said and pointed at me. I moved her away and looked in the mirror and there was me, without my witch disguise. "Oh no! It must have fallen off when we were fighting Belos!" I said nervously, no one seemed to have spotted it yet. "I think it's time we tell them you're human, Y/n?" Luz said. "But- But they're going to hate me!" I said and started to tear up. "What? Pfft, no of course they won't! They won't hate you any more than me when they find out that I might be a clone of someone who was a witch-hunter... with Belos" Hunter said as he started to sweat uncontrollably. 

For the next couple of months (I believe it was like 3?) we fixed up the old abandoned house and made it into a small club house of some sort. Luz came out to her mom about being bisexual and that she was dating Amity, Camila was very accepting of them. Gus, Willow, and Amity drew pictures of their family so they wouldn't feel as home sick while Hunter, Luz, and I drew up a plan to fix the door. We even went shopping to get new clothes that we liked. Vee changed her looks so she wouldn't have to look like Luz anymore and well, be herself. Camila was very supportive throughout all these months and with everyone. Hunter decided to look more into witch hunting, which did not end out so good. He ended up cutting his hair and Willow came across him and had to help him style it better. We tried one experiment but it ended up causing a fire to start on the door. Gus knew what a fire extinguisher did but didn't know how to use it and Vee ended up putting the fire out. Willow, Gus, Amity, and Hunter tried to bake something for Camila and Luz, as a way of thanking her but they didn't know how to bake with 'Human' ingredients so they made... something? Vee and I made sure they didn't eat it. One night while it was raining, Luz and I showed the other that rain here was safe (even though when we came to the Human realm, it was raining?). Amity was scared at first but when she realized the rain wouldn't hurt her, she was amazed as she and Luz started to dance in the rain. Vee transformed into her human disguise and joined Luz and Amity outside. Hunter peaked his head out as Gus bumped into him, making the both of them fall into mud. Willow and I laughed as I went outside to help Hunter while Vee helped Gus. I cleared the mud off Hunter's face just as Willow took a picture of all of us outside. Willow started to get into photography after that and brough Camila's camera everywhere she went. Hunter also got into sewing!

Camila enrolled me and Luz into school when September came around. When I asked why I was being enrolled, she said that because I was human and had been to school before I should still go. I was going to be Luz's cousin staying with her for a while. Hunter was not happy about it but couldn't fight Camila's choice. School was fine, I didn't really try to make friends but the other students were nice to me. I could tell luz was slipping into a depression and I tried to help but nothing really worked. Willow and Amity decorated Luz's room for Halloween because in their words, "Was our first Human holiday". Anyway, Camila said that today she would pick me and Luz up instead of us going on the bus. The bell rang and I made my way out of the classroom, History is so boring! I made my way to my locker, which was next to Luz's. "Hey Luz, how was English?" I asked her. "Eh, I kinda..." Luz said and waved her hand in a circle pattern. When she closed her locker, two boys were behind it. "Hey you guys are Y/n and Luz, right?" the shorter boy asked us. "Um" Luz said, lost for words. "Nice to meet ya! You were right in class, Luz. We read about too many crusty old dudes, give me books about crusty old woman!" The short guy said. "Ew dude" I said. "I used to know one..." Luz said as a small smile made its way on her face. "I've never seen you two around" Luz said to them. "We're new, but we heard all about you Luz! And about your cousin that's also new!" the short guy said. 'People are talking about me?' I wondered. "Are you guys going to make another crazy costume for Halloween this year?" The taller guys asked us... more like Luz. "'cause if you are, we're volunteering at the Haunted Hayride" the shorter guy said and the taller one showed us a flier about it. "Old Gravesfeild is the most haunted place in the state" the taller guys explained. "Yeah, you gotta come!" the shorter guys said. "Come on Luz, tía Camila is probably waiting for us" I said and dragged Luz away, those guys were giving me off vibes.   

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