Chapter 13: Grom Night

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A week later, the news about grom coming up was all everyone talked about. Willow told me about grom when I first came to the school. I never did go to school dances and in my realm, the school parties were boring. Hunter dropped me off at Willow's house so I can walk with them to get Luz and go to school. He was hesitant at first but I promised him 10 snails if he did it for me. We, including Gus, walked over to pick up Luz and we saw Hooty throw up a stack of books. 'I'm going to kill that damn bird one day' I thought. "Can you hurry up Luz, I don't want to stay here any long" Willow said. "Yea, coming" Luz said and told King not to watch 'Mewtube' all day. We walked to school and when we got there, we saw teachers and some students help decorate the school. "Something different today, did everyone get a haircut?" Luz said. "Oh you don't know what's going on!" willow said. "Welcome to your first-" Gus said until town 'nurses' came by and told a boy that he has a disease and the only way to cure it is by asking someone to grom. He ended up asking Skara to grom which I was happy for her. Everyone cheered and clapped for them. "You guys have a wired version of prom! I got kicked out of my last school dance because I was dressed like an otter but maybe here I can be your grom queen!" Luz said and did a pose. "Most people here don't want to be grow queen..." Willow says. Amity came around the corner and bumped into Luz. "Hey watch where your- Oh sorry Luz" Amity says as she picks up her stuff and Luz picks up Amity note.

"Here is your note!" Luz said and Amity snatched it out of her hand. "Oh you got some quick grabber!" Luz said. "Sorry, it's just a private note..." Amity said and the speaker turned on. Everyone started to whisper and quieted each other down. "Attaches students! I would like to announce our grom queen for this year" Bump said. Everyone looked at each other. 'Will me being here affect Amity getting chosen? I hope not because I would literally be killed if so' I thought. "Our grom queen is... AMITY BLIGHT!" Bump said. Everyone in the halls looked over at her and started to whisper about her. She looked so scared and studded. Luz then screamed in joy and said congratulations. Luz couldn't read a room for her life and Amity just ran away. Willow explained that Amity will just need time and Luz looked confused. I violented to help set up grom and I was currently with Ameila (plant track & Boscha friend) and someone from my potions class making a sign. I saw Luz walk in after Bump left. I walk down to her to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. But before I got to her, she pressed a red button. "Luz, what did you press?" I asked when I was closer to her. "Who, what is all this?" Luz asked. "It's for my debut as grom queen" Amity says walking up to us from the bleachers. "Why do you look so sad about it?" Luz asked her.

"It's not just a dance party" Amity says as we hear noises from the open floor. "That's Grom, she is the monster that lives under the school" Amity says. She then explains the history of Grom and what she can do. Amity doesn't want to be queen because whoever queen has to fight it and it turns into your worst nightmare. Apparently, hers is embarrassing. Luz suggested that Amity talk to Bump about getting her out of it. Amity thanked her and left. Then the 'disco ball' said he was about to puke so me and Luz left. After school Hunter picked me up and when we got 'home', I decided to ask 'father' if I could go to Grom. I walked over to his throne room and went inside. "Y/n, what could I help you with?" Belos asked me. "I was wondering if I can go to Grom tomorrow tonight?" I asked. "Why would you want to go to that? I heard what those school parties are about so why would you want to go?" 'father' asked me. "Well one of my friends got chosen to be Grom queen and I want to go there to support them" I said. "Which friend?" Belos asked. "Amity Blight" I said. "The youngest Blight kid... Very well but I will have Lilith bring you a dress. So please be waiting in your room" Belos said. "Oh thank you!... dad..." I said and left. 'I'm surprised that he let me go but wherever' I thought and went to my room.

(I chose yellow because your in potions and the emperor coven but you can change it if yellows not your color)

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(I chose yellow because your in potions and the emperor coven but you can change it if yellows not your color)

I put it on and Lilith turned around to see how it fit me. "Oh dear, it looks amazing on you! The emperor has good taste for a fine 'witch' like you" Lilith said. "Aww thank you Lilith. This will be my first school party since I was like 11" I told her. "Wow that was a long time ago, you're like 15 right?" she asked (I turned 16 at the end of May so :D). "Yup, but I want to go to one that's fun like this one! Human school parties suck" I said. "Ok, well you can keep that till tomorrow and I will help with your hair tomorrow" Lilith said and left. I changed into my pajamas and decided to text Luz. I decided to act like I found this and not know what it is. 'Y/n: Hey? Sorry I have no clue what this thing is, I found it in the trash and thought it was cool so I kept it. : just seen'. Luz: 'Oh well this thing is a human device called a phone. It's like a scroll for humans but it can't fly... so what's your name? : sent now'. Y/N: 'You can call me silver! I better head to bed now, big day tomorrow, bye! : just seen'. Luz: 'Oh well, goodnight! : just sent'. I put my phone on the charger and went to bed.

I walked into grom and saw a few people dancing and Willow giving people flower accessories. Eda was by them and looked bored until King walked up to her. I went over to Willow to hang out because we both didn't have a date. "Hey Willow!" I said. "Oh hey Y/n, you look amazing!:" Willow said to me. "Aww you too!" I said. Suddenly the lights went out and the stage lights turned on and showed Gus on stage giving an introduction. He told everyone to take a seat and warned about being in the first three rows. Me and Willow took a seat in the fifth row and we saw Gus warming up the crowd. People were cheating and it was starting to get annoying but whatever. Bump went up on the stage and Gus was now calling Luz up as their grom queen. "You know her, you love her, you at least her of her, Luz the human!" Gus said and the stage light went to Luz who was standing at the entrance of the gym. Gus pressed the button that Luz pressed yesterday and the floor opened up and the weapons walls came up. Luz grabbed a weapon and put a glyph on it and went down to the grom monster. A few seconds later we saw three cats with human heads fly out of the floor. People cheered and clapped when they saw that. 'This is so much... I mean I should be thankful I'm here but I might pass out or get over stimulated if it gets crazier in here' I thought.

King now had the microphone and was stuttering a lot and people started booing at him. 'Poor little thing but what did he expect when you're up against a bunch of teenagers' I thought. King then ran off and Gus followed him. "Oh poor King, I hope he alright" Willow said. "Yea but Gus will cheer him up in no time!" I said. Luz defeated the next fear and then her most fear took form. Her mother appeared and criticized her for lying to her for weeks. Luz then ran out of the gym and Grom followed her. Now, everyone was freaking out. Willow and I got up to see what was happening but we couldn't see anything. People started to go follow Luz but we stayed behind. Soon the crowd came back to finish this party off. Willow and Gus went over to a part of the grom monster to look over it. Willow touched some of the grom slime and it turned into a ladybug and Gus turned into a clown. Gus got up and ran away like a child. 'I wonder what my fear would be?' I thought as I touched the slime. (This is what a small fear of mine is but you can do whatever scares you!) I touched it and it turned into a puddle of blood formed. "Oh titan!" I said and backed up as it disappeared. When Luz and Amity came back we all took a group photo and made five copes so everyone got one. Hunter came and picked me up and when I got to my room, I passed out on my bed not bothering to change.


Yea! You are being social! I'm really tired and writing this at 12 in the morning so I'm heading to bed, night. Have an amazing Day/Night/Noon!

Word count- 1662

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