Chapter 24: Fight or Flight

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I've been stuck in my room for a week now and It's so boring! All I do is sleep, eat, read, and look out the window. The only good thing is that I hear the scouts gossiping in the halls. From this I figured out that the Owl House is now under the control of the Emperor Coven, meaning that Luz, King, Eda, and Lilith were now on the mountain and King found out about his past. I also found out that tomorrow, Adrian Graye Vernworth (the illusion coven head) was going to Hexside to get as many students branded with signals. I now knew where Hunter was and that he's safe, thank goodness. I need to find a way out, I know that Hunter or Luz will try and I also know that Belos knows that they'll try too. So if I just escape first, no one will get hurt... for now at least. I will leave tonight and make my way to Hexside and find Hunter. I made sure I saved some food from when I got some so Nikki was fed and packed a bag in secret. The only problem is... my room is swarming with scouts. Two are always standing outside my door and there are three outside my window. I remember learning how to make an invisibility potion but I don't have the materials to make it. 'How will I escape? I don't remember the invisibility glyph and there's no way the scouts would listen to me while I'm under lock down... maybe!' I thought of something but I'll have to wait till dinner to see who is guarding tonight. It's 7pm now so dinner should be in an hour so I better make sure I have everything ready for leaving. 

Time passed by fast because soon I heard a knock on my door, it was dinner time. I opened the door and saw a scout there, only one. "Dinner princess" the scout said. "Oh thank you, may I know um... your name?" I asked. "Oh um It's Steve" Steve said. 'Perfect!' I thought. "Oh thank titan it's you! Look, I know I'm on lock down but I really have to leave" I said. "I don't know princess, If Belos finds out-" Steve started to say but I cut him off. "He won't, I promise! I just- my friends are going to be in danger and I need to help them! Please Steve!" I begged him. "...fine, but please get out safely. I can't grant you'll get out of the castle uncaught and I don't want to face Belos" Steve said. "Oh thank you!" I said and gathered my stuff. I made my way through the castle, lucky without being seen. Kikimora is the only one I'm worried about being seen by, she really wants me and Hunter dead. Finally I made it out of the castle and Nikki crawled out from my cape. She turned into her staff form and I took off, now I have to find where I'll be hiding out for the night. Maybe the forest has an abandoned cave somewhere in there, I flew down into the forest to search. Sadly, I couldn't find somewhere to rest. I flew towards Hexside but I wasn't going to stay there, one Hunter was already there so yea and second that's just sad to stay in your school overnight. I sent up a little set-up and decided to rest for the night, god know what time it was. 

*Time Skip*

I don't know what time it was but when I woke up, the sun was high in the sky. 'Oh shit! I better get going!' I thought. I gathered everything up while Nikki woke up while I was packing and soon we took off to Hexside. When I got there, there was an airship in front of the school. I made my way inside and saw a couple of scouts knocked out on the ground. Soon I made it to the gym and saw a couple of students healing each other. When I entered the gym, I saw Gus, Willow, and Hunter hugging each other. "Guys!" I said and ran over to them. "Y/n!" Hunter said and ran over to me and engulfed me into a hug. "I'm sorry for leaving you like that! I-I should have stayed with you, how are you here!? I thought that Belos would have locked you up!?" Hunter asked me. "I had an inside man help me out" I said. Willow and Gus came over to us and I put my hand behind my neck. "Hey Willow, Gus, long time no see, haha..." I said nerves. Last time I saw them, they just found out that I was the Silver Guard. "Y/n... I'm glad you're safe" Willow said to me as she also pulled me into a hug. "I-I'm sorry guys! I didn't want to hide it from you guys but he... he would of-" I was cut off by Gus. "Yea we know, Belos would have had your head, we are just glad you're safe. When I didn't see you with Hunter, I was worried about you" Gus said as he joined our hug. "Oh by the way, you should keep me hidden from the scouts, I may have run away from the castle" I said. When we went outside, me and Hunter hid from the guards as they packed up and flew away. We came out when we knew they couldn't see us. "I can't believe you took down a Coven Head" Amity said to Gus. "Yea, and I almost went down with him" Gus said. "Is Graye gonna be alright?" Hunter asked Gus. "uh, probably?" Gus said as he and Hunter started to laugh. "Y/n! What's going on at the castle?" Skara asked me as other students gathered around me. "Did you and Hunter actually leave the Emperor's Coven?" Viney asked us. "Have you guys ever sneezed with your mask on?" Edric asked us. Barcus then barked at me.

Hunter and I looked at each other, nervously. Hunter then looked at Gus who just smiled and nodded his head at him. "Everyone in the castle is traveling to the Head for the Day of Unity" Hunter said to Skara. "I think I did? Yes?" Hunter said as he pointed to Edric. "That's gross, man" Edric said to Hunter. "Look, Emperor Belos has been lying to everyone! The Day of Unity isn't about the Titan, it's much scarier than you think" I said and looked around at everyone, who all had a sacred look. "Sorry... there's just so much to explain and..." I said and looked away from everyone. "Then you'd better get started" principal Bump said. We made our way back inside to the cafeteria where me and Hunter explained everything, what the Day of Unity really is about, how me and Hunter ended up in the Emperor's Coven, and more. The only thing we did tell them was, well, me being human. "That certainly is a lot of information to take in..." Bump said. "Anyway, everyone is dismissed. I believe it is time to go home, please be safe" bump said as students started making their way out. "So... where are we going to stay?" I asked Hunter. "Oh! You two can stay with me! I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind" Gus said as he pulled us into a side hug. "Oh, thank you Gus! That's so sweet of you!" I said. We all made our way out of the school and Hunter and I followed Gus to his home. Gus had told us on the way there that his dad might not be home yet and to stay in the guest room until he explains everything to him. 

Gus's house was nice, clean and homey. The guest room had a small bathroom, a queen bed, and a dresser with a mirror on top of it. I set my bag down and laid on the bed. "Does... Does Belos know that you're gone?" Hunter asked me as he sat on the bed next to me. "I don't know, I left last night and I haven't heard anything since I left" I said. "Who helped you escape?" Hunter asked me. "Steve, I know he's a good guy so I'm glad he was guarding my door last night" I said and sat up. "How have you been Hunter? I've been worried sick since I last saw you" I said. "I've been okay, I'm sorry for running out like that... I was just... so scared, confused..." Hunter said. "I know, I'm just glad you're safe now" I said and pulled him into a side hug. Hunter hugged back and we sat there like that for a while.

Hunter POV

Y/n set her bag down and laid on the bed. "Does... Does Belos know that you're gone?" I asked her as I sat on the bed next to her. "I don't know, I left last night and I haven't heard anything since I left" Y/n said. "Who helped you escape?" I asked. "Steve, I know he's a good guy so I'm glad he was guarding my door last night" Y/n said and sat up. "How have you been Hunter? I've been worried sick since I last saw you" Y/n asked me. "I've been okay, I'm sorry for running out like that... I was just... so scared, confused..." I said. "I know, I'm just glad you're safe now" Y/n said and pulled me into a side hug. I hugged back and we sat there like that for a while. 'I'm so glad you're back with me, I promise I'll never leave you alone again, little sister' I thought.

Y/n POV 

Soon there was a knock at the door and Gus opened the door. "Hey so I talked to my dad and he said you guys can stay but he wants to talk to you guys before it's official!" Gus said. We got up and followed Gus to the living room where Gus's father was sitting. "Hello sir" I said as Hunter and I sat on the couch. "Hello, you must be Y/n and you must be Hunter? I just want to say, you both are welcomed here. Gus talks very fondly of you both and I'm glad to see my son has more friends than just Willow, which I'm not saying is bad, she is a lovely girl. You both are welcome to stay as long as you both need" Mr Porter said. "Thank you Mr Porter!" I said. "Just call me Perry, no 'Mr Porter'" Perry said. "T-Thank you P-Perry" Hunter said. "Now, let me see if I have any extra clothing for you both! If you need anything, just ask me!" Perry said and went to, I assume, his room. "OMG! This is just like a super long sleepover!" Gus said. Perry found some clothes that would fit Hunter but only a pair of Pajamas for me. "Sorry sweetie I don't have many female clothes, I will run out tomorrow and grab some for you" Perry said. "Oh no, it's fine. I have a couple of things on me!" I said, I hate it when people have to pay/get me stuff. "Nope, it's final. Tell me what your size is and what type of clothing you like" Perry said. I told him what he wanted to know as he wrote it down. Perry went to cook dinner as we started to get ready for bed (you know, shower and set up the guest room). After dinner, we all said goodnight and went to bed. "Night Hunter" I said and drifted to sleep as I heard Hunter say 'Goodnight' to me. 


I know it's been a while since I uploaded but I had many tests to take so yea. I'll be on break next week so I'll definitely be writing and uploading then! Anyway, have an amazing Day/Night/Noon!

Word count- 1990 

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