A Weight Lifted

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After her first therapy session, Fatima has been slowly but surely emerging from the dark cloud that had engulfed her since the loss of her daughter. Although the pain of her daughter's absence still lingers, the nightmares of her daughter screaming out in pain have finally ceased. Fatima is grateful for the therapy sessions that have helped her cope with her loss. The last words of her daughter, "I love you Mommy," still echo in her heart, reminding her of the love that they shared and will always cherish. With time, Fatima hopes to find peace and solace in her memories of her beloved daughter.

Fatima had to cope with a devastating loss when her daughter I'lani passed away. She held I'lani's funeral a week after her passing, hoping that it would bring some closure to her grieving heart. However, Ian's side of the family did not offer any comfort. They instead chose to blame Fatima for I'lani's death, making an already difficult situation much worse.Fatima didn't try to argue back with them and chose to walk away from the accusations. It was a difficult choice but one that she knew was for her own well-being. She was already struggling to cope with the loss of her daughter and the additional guilt and blame was too much for her to handle.

Adding to her pain, Ian did not even show up for their daughter's funeral. The absence of her husband in her time of need was a hard pill to swallow for Fatima. She was left alone to mourn the loss of their child.

As the days went by, Fatima's condition worsened. She fell into a deep depression and stopped eating for days, further aggravating her physical and mental health. Her family tried their best to help her out of this dark spot, but Ian's family continued blaming her for I'lani's death, causing her to relapse into depression again.

The situation was unbearable for Fatima, and she longed for the day when she could find some peace in her heart and mind.

As Fatima went back to therapy she explained what she went through and how she also blames herself for I'lani's death. Zac made her realize that she wasn't responsible. It took some time but his words sunk to the core and made her believe that too. Zac also told her "That wound is still open and it won't be easy to close, but you have to start that journey to heal so that it will close." Ever since Zac said that she was now healing the right way.

It was already 6:30 p.m. and Madam had gone to visit Fatima at her house to keep her company and take her mind off everything that had been going on in her life lately. As they sat down to chat, Madam opened up about her recent visit to a therapist, which Fatima had recommended. "Ti, I took your suggestion and went to therapy to work through my past hurt. I was amazed because after just two sessions, I felt like I was completely healed," Madam said, taking a sip of her wine.

Fatima listened carefully, then responded, "M, I'm glad that you've found some relief, but it's important to remember that healing is a process. Going to therapy is just the first step. You can't say that you're completely over your past, and you certainly can't cope by resorting to violence whenever you feel triggered. That doesn't help you, it only hurts you in the long run."

As the night went on, they continued to chat and laugh, enjoying each other's company. Fatima poured them both another glass of wine as they talked about their lives and shared stories. Eventually, they decided to watch a movie together to end the night on a relaxing note.

Karen, Zac's girlfriend of a year, asked him what he wanted to eat, to which he responded that it didn't matter and continued to do his research on Hayden and Ian. Zac had been trying to gather information on these two individuals for the past few days, and he was quite focused on the task at hand. He had been on the phone with some of his contacts for the last twenty minutes, trying to find out what they knew about Hayden and Ian.

Karen was frustrated that Zac hadn't acknowledged her since he arrived home. She had been looking forward to spending some quality time with him, but Zac was too preoccupied with his research. She decided to order some takeout instead of cooking, which she had promised to do earlier in the day.

When the delivery driver arrived with the food, Karen asked Zac to get off the phone so that they could eat and talk. Zac was quick to point out that Karen had promised to cook, and this wasn't what he had expected. He seemed disappointed that they weren't having a home-cooked meal as Karen had promised. Karen tried to explain that she had changed her mind and ordered takeout, but Zac was still upset.

The next day was a demanding one for both Fatima and Zac. Upon returning to work, Fatima was tasked with sorting through a plethora of files for two new clients who had requested her representation. She had to meticulously examine each document in order to ensure that everything was in order for her clients. Despite the overwhelming amount of work, Fatima was determined to provide the best possible service to her new clients.

Meanwhile, Zac had an equally demanding day. With a total of eight sessions scheduled for the day, he had to manage his time carefully in order to avoid any delays. However, things didn't go according to plan. His second session ran over time, which caused a ripple effect that impacted his entire schedule. As a result, his third session was delayed, which ultimately caused him to fall behind schedule for the rest of the day. Despite the setback, Zac remained professional and focused on providing the best possible service to his clients.

As the day came to an end, Fatima went to the store to buy some groceries for dinner. While she was at the store, she unexpectedly ran into Ian's mother and sister. She immediately tried to avoid them by moving to the other aisle, but unfortunately, it was too late. Isabella had already spotted her and began to yell at her, calling her a child killer. Despite the verbal attack, Fatima refused to stoop to their level of hostility and instead chose to walk away.

However, as she was leaving, Ms. Margret, Ian's mother, stepped in front of her, preventing her from moving any further. Margret accused Fatima of killing her granddaughter, which left Fatima feeling confused and upset. Fatima knew that she was innocent and refused to accept the blame for something she didn't do. She suggested that Margret ask her own sons about the death of her child instead of accusing her of something she didn't do.

After that, Fatima walked away in the opposite direction, still feeling the weight of the encounter.

As Zac slowly pushed open the creaky door and stepped into the room, his ears were immediately filled with the unmistakable sounds of moaning and grunting. The noises appeared to be coming from his bedroom, which was located at the end of the hallway. He stood there for a moment, trying to decipher what was happening behind the closed door, but his imagination ran wild with all sorts of possibilities. With a deep breath, he took a few steps forward, his heart pounding in his chest, and made his way towards the source of the sounds. He silently tiptoed to his room making sure not to make a sound, He opened the door and found Karen and her "cousin" in bed together. They didn't notice him until he pulled the covers off of them. Karen was in a state of panic as Zac walked in on her in a compromising position. She frantically searched for something to cover herself up with as she tried to explain, "Zac, it's not what it looks like!" However, Zac was in no mood to hear her excuses. He spoke in a calm but firm tone, "Karen, I don't want to hear your excuses. Please pack your stuff and leave."

How y'all doing this good Sunday evening? 

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