A Night Out

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Zac had recently gone through his breakup with Karen and was looking to spend some time with his friends to distract himself. They had decided to attend the grand opening of Lust, a club owned by one of Zac's close friends. It was around 3:00 p.m. when Zac was tidying up his place when he suddenly heard the doorbell ring. He quickly checked the Ring Doorbell app and saw that Karen was standing outside his front door, dressed in a long trench coat. Karen stood at Zac's door and whispered, "I want you inside of me." Zac laughed, "You think I'm going to come anywhere near you? Your first cousin at that" Zac said while laughing. Karen then realized that she had a key to his house and unlocked the door. When she came inside she went to find Zac and found him in the kitchen.

Karen stood in the doorway, her arms crossed and a smug look on her face. "I know you want this," she said, her voice dripping with condescension. Zac turned around and saw Karen, his ex-girlfriend, standing in his apartment. He gritted his teeth and grabbed a glass of water, flicking it on her. "Be gone, witch!" he yelled, feeling a sense of satisfaction as he watched Karen's clothes get soaked.

Karen stood there, shocked, as Zac continued to flick water on her. She had come over to try to convince Zac to get back together with her, but now she was regretting it. Zac grabbed a container of salt and started to throw it on Karen, making a circle around her. "Zac, you're being childish," Karen said, covering herself and leaving.

"But hey, I got the witch out of here, didn't I?" Zac said, laughing as he cleaned up his mess. He had always found Karen's superstitious beliefs amusing, and he knew that throwing salt around her would freak her out. Despite the satisfaction he felt in getting rid of Karen, Zac knew he needed to move on and find someone who was a better match for him.

Madam had been calling Fatima repeatedly, trying to convince her to come out with her that night. Fatima had been hesitant to leave the comfort of her home and just wanted to spend the evening relaxing with a glass of wine. However, Madam was persistent and continued to plead with her to come out for just thirty minutes.

After some convincing, Fatima finally agreed to join Madam and asked where they were going. Madam excitedly informed her that it was a grand opening of a new club called Lust and that she knew the owner. Fatima was intrigued and asked Madam to tell her more about the club and its owner.

Madam revealed that the club was a luxurious and upscale venue that had just opened in the city. She went on to describe the club's interior, which was adorned with stunning chandeliers and velvet furnishings. She also mentioned that the club was known for its exquisite cocktails and music selection.

When Fatima asked who the owner was, Madam revealed that it was the same man that Fatima had turned down a few months ago. She explained that he was a dark and handsome man, who was known for his charm and charisma.

The two continued to chat for a bit longer, with Madam sharing more details about the club and the upcoming event. After they hung up, Fatima had some time to get ready and prepare herself for the exciting night ahead.

Fatima was feeling a bit overwhelmed and indecisive about what to wear for the evening. She decided to take a quick nap to clear her mind and woke up at 7:00 pm. After getting up from the nap, she felt more refreshed and decided to call Madam for help. As soon as Madam answered the phone, Fatima exclaimed, "M, I need help picking an outfit." Madam, who seemed to be in a hurry, responded quickly, "Why are you yelling? Just pick something sexy now. Bye." Fatima was a bit annoyed by Madam's abrupt response and sighed aloud before rummaging through her closet, hoping to find the perfect outfit for the evening. After spending some time going through her wardrobe, she finally found the perfect outfit for the occasion. She then proceeded to meticulously apply her makeup, taking her time to ensure that every detail was just right. Once she had finished, she expertly flatiron her hair, making sure that each strand was straight and smooth. As she put on her shoes, she could hear the sound of Madam's arrival, and she knew that it was time to head out.

The music at the club was loud, and people were dancing and chatting away. Tony, Zac's friend, yelled to get his attention, "I see a beautiful woman staring at you, Zac!" Zac looked up to see a woman smiling and waving at him. He took a shot and motioned for her to come over. The woman ended up giving him a lap dance, and then she left.

Feeling uncomfortable with the smoke and drug use at his booth, Zac decided to move to the bar for some fresh air. He sat down and took a deep breath, enjoying the brief moment of peace. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice and turned around to see Fatima. She had just arrived at the club with Madam and sat down next to Zac to order a shot of Patron and a lemon drop.

"Hey Zac," Fatima greeted him before taking her shot. However, there was something about the way Zac spoke that made her feel uneasy. As his therapist, she knew she shouldn't be feeling that way, but she couldn't shake off the feeling.

Before they could start a conversation, they were pulled in different directions by their friends. Zac's night at the club had been eventful, but he couldn't help but feel a little unsettled by his encounter with Fatima.

As the night came to a close, Fatima and Zac coincidentally left at the same time. "See you later," Fatima yelled to Zac. "Goodnight, Fatima," Zac chuckled, noticing that Fatima was intoxicated.

Hey y'all hey. 

See y'all next month.

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