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After a week of planning, Zac had finally put his full plan in motion. He was scheduled to leave for Mexico in just a couple of days, and he had already stationed people to keep an eye on Ian's every move. However, Ian was no fool and he soon realized he was being watched. To throw Zac off his trail, Ian changed his location. This move, however, was exactly what Zac had been waiting for. By tracking Ian's movements, Zac was able to locate Hayden's hiding place and finally bring the whole operation to a close.

Zac was caught up in a heated argument with Fatima, over something he considered trivial. To clear his name, he vehemently denied impregnating Karen. He was confident that he had always been cautious and had used protection every time he was with her. He had never entertained the idea of starting a family with Karen. However, Fatima was not convinced, and she reminded him of the phone call he made to Karen a few months ago when he was heavily intoxicated. Zac couldn't recall what happened that night, and that thought made him uneasy. As he tried to recollect what transpired, he muttered, "Oh shit," and cursed himself inwardly for his carelessness.

It was getting late, and the clock had just struck 10:00 p.m. Zac was out playing basketball with some of his closest friends, Tony, Jake, and Brian. The group was joined by a couple of other men who they had played with a couple of times before. They played a few games and had a great time. As they were walking out of the court, Brain asked Zac a wild question, "Yo that's wild, you think you got that thing pregnant?" Zac replied with a hint of uncertainty, "I don't even know at this point, I hope not though," before putting his basketball gear in his car. The four friends stood there talking for about five more minutes before going their separate ways. Zac thought about going for a ride before going back home, but when he looked at his phone, he saw that it was almost 1:00 in the morning, so he decided to call it a night and went straight home.

Zac walked into the cozy living room, where Fatima was sitting comfortably on the couch, sipping on some wine and munching on a bowl of popcorn while watching a movie. "What are you still doing up?" he asked her with a hint of surprise in his voice. Fatima turned her head towards him and shrugged, "I couldn't sleep," she said before turning her attention back to the TV.

Zac went upstairs to take a relaxing shower, letting the hot water wash away the fatigue of the day. Feeling refreshed, he headed back downstairs to join Fatima on the couch. As they lay there together, the soft glow of the movie flickering on their faces, they chatted about their day and shared a few laughs.

As the night wore on, Fatima's eyelids grew heavy and eventually, she drifted off to sleep in Zac's arms. He gently carried her to bed, tucking her in before joining her for the night.

"Hey Tima, How have you been?" asked her friend Akira, who had been busy making money and taking care of her son Amir. Fatima replied that she had been doing well, and asked about Akira's wellbeing. During the conversation, Fatima wondered aloud why she hadn't seen her nephew in a long time. Akira gently reminded her that it hadn't been that long - Fatima had seen Amir just two days prior.

Fatima was at the store when she decided to give Zac a call to check if he needed anything. As she walked down the hygiene aisle, she continued her conversation with Zac. He had promised her that he would only get the things he needed and that he would use some of the scrubs he had bought over the weekend. However, Zac was now laughing at her through the phone and teasing her about her love for good-smelling scrubs. Fatima pouted and replied, "I know, but this one smells so good, though." Suddenly, Isabella, who was also in the aisle, called out her name, "Fatima, is that you?" Fatima greeted her before quickly leaving the aisle to head to the checkout. "Not today Satan," Fatima muttered to herself. Zac was curious to know who had called out her name. "Who was that?" he asked. "Ian's sister," Fatima replied, and they continued their conversation.

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