My Protector

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Zac and Fatima have known each other for just over a year now and their friendship has grown to become something special. They have become the best of friends, with an unbreakable bond. Over this year, the two have met each other's families and have been warmly welcomed into their homes. They have become an integral part of each other's lives, talking on the phone every day and going out together to share the details of their day.

As their relationship has progressed, everyone around them has noticed and has been urging them to take things to the next level. Zac and Fatima have been told time and time again that they act like a couple, yet they remain oblivious to it. Even though Fatima was initially Zac's client, their relationship has evolved beyond that and they now share a deep, meaningful connection. They have become each other's confidants, support systems, and closest allies.

The three friends, Fatima, Yazmine, and Madam, were out enjoying a leisurely brunch when Yazmine suddenly made a bold statement. "Fatima, just go ahead and get with him, because if somebody else gets with him, I am going to scare them off," she said, referring to someone they all knew. But Fatima was quick to refute her friend's claim, saying, "I don't like him like that. He's my friend only." However, Madam, sensing there was more to the story, interjected, "That's a lie." The conversation continued in this manner until Madam announced that Fatima's phone was ringing and that it was Bae calling. Yazmine quickly answered and put the call on speakerphone for everyone to hear.

Zac called Fatima while she was out with her friends and asked if she was busy. "Hey Ti, are you busy?" he asked. Fatima responded, "Hey Zac, yeah I'm out with my girls. You need something?" Zac replied, "No, I'll call you later have fun." Before hanging up, Fatima said, "Alright, I love you." Zac replied with a smile on his face, "I love you too, baby."

After ending the call, Madam, one of Fatima's friends, teased her and said, "Friend my ass." The group continued to enjoy their brunch before heading to the mall where they spent a lot of money. As they said their goodbyes, they went their separate ways.

As they arrived at Fatima's house at 8:00 PM, she suggested to Zac that they should have a sleepover at her place. Zac agreed and offered to bring some snacks and food with him. He remembered that Fatima had mentioned feeling hungry earlier, so he insisted that they shouldn't delay their meal since the last time she ate was around noon. Before coming back home, Fatima had made a quick stop at a couple of stores to pick up some things.

As Fatima unlocked her house door bringing in the bags that got today into her house. As she sat the bags down to lock her door, she felt a hand cover her mouth. "Shh, don't scream." A voice that she knows by heart whispered in her ear. Ian. "I missed you so much baby, and I want the rest of my kids by you since my brother killed our firstborn," Ian said while taking her dress off. Bringing her to the couch she soon felt her body go limp. Tears rolled down her face as she couldn't move her body. She couldn't fight back. This was now her fate, she thought. Thrust after thrust he moves in and out of her body before ejaculating inside of her. After spending 30 long minutes of his routine, Ian left Fatima's house. He heard a car pulling up in her yard, which made him quickly retreat through the patio door. Just as Ian was about to get in his car, Zac arrived and called out Fatima's name. However, he didn't hear a response, so he walked into the living room. What he saw was something he couldn't unsee, and it left him in shock and disbelief.

Zac slowly walked over to a crying Fatima, as he approached her he bent down and she just hung onto him tightly. "He said he wanted to get me pregnant again." She said, lowly. "I'm going to kill this nigga now," Zac said to himself. Zac's voice sounded urgent as he spoke to Fatima, "Come on baby, we got to go to the hospital." However, Fatima shook her head vehemently in response. She didn't want anyone to see her in this state. "I just want to shower and lay down," she said softly, hoping that Zac would understand.

Although Zac was still concerned about her condition, he knew that Fatima needed to feel comfortable. So, he quickly got the shower ready and scooped her up in his arms, carrying her bridal style to the bathroom. As Fatima showered, Zac kept a watchful eye on her, making sure she was okay.

After the shower, Fatima put on one of Zac's hoodies and sweatpants. They were going to his house, but she didn't want to stay there for the night. Zac respected her wishes and made sure she was comfortable before they left.

As they were driving, Fatima dozed off. Zac couldn't help but feel a rush of affection as he looked over at her. He knew he had to take action against Ian and Hayden for what they did to her, even though Hayden was only indirectly involved. Zac pulled up to his house and carefully got out of the car, making sure not to wake Fatima up. He gently lifted her out of the car and carried her to one of the guestrooms. Fatima wrapped her legs around Zac's torso and nestled her face in the crook of his neck. She felt safe and protected in his arms.

After settling Fatima into bed, Zac received a call notifying him that Ian had been spotted at the airport, boarding a flight to Mexico. Zac decided that his top priority was taking care of Fatima and protecting her from any further harm. He even considered contacting Madam but decided to wait until morning. Fatima asked Zac to sleep with her that night, and he agreed. Zac held her close to his chest as she drifted back to sleep, feeling grateful to be able to provide her with a sense of safety and comfort.

Ian spoke to his mother over the phone and said, "Hey momma, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be out of town for a while." His mother, curious, asked, "Oh, where are you going?" Ian replied, "I'm going to Mexico, but I have to go due to some urgent work. I will be back as soon as I can. Please take care of yourself, and I love you." After exchanging some more pleasantries, Ian hung up the phone and began his journey to Mexico.

2 chapters back to back is wild. 

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