The Past, The Future, The Present.

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"Ian, I'm not playing with you. Give me my daughter back. You got what you wanted. You got me here," Fatima said as she stepped into the abandoned warehouse.

"Mommy," Fatima's daughter, I'lani, said, trying to run to her, but Hayden, Ian's brother, grabbed her.

"Ian, I'm not playing with you. You have three seconds to hand me my daughter," Fatima demanded, her anger rising with each passing second.

"Fatima, that's my daughter too. I'm not going to hurt her," Ian said as he picked up I'lani.

Fatima confronts Hayden for staring at her intensely. She accuses him of having a staring problem. Hayden responds by telling Ian to give Fatima her child so that she can leave. Fatima is agitated and tells Hayden that he is lucky because any other day she would have cursed him out. She tries to maintain her composure and not curse in front of her child.

As Ian hands I'lani over to Fatima, the little girl runs to her mother. Fatima embraces her daughter and tells her that she loves her, and I'lani responds by saying that she loves her mommy too. Despite the tense exchange with Hayden, Fatima's love for her child is evident in the way she interacts with her. I'lani said. Hayden had always carried a deep resentment towards Fatima. He believed that her presence took away his brother's happiness, and this feeling only intensified as time went by. Eventually, he couldn't bear to see Fatima happy because it reminded him of his brother's sadness. So, in an act of revenge, he decided to take away the one person who brought joy to Fatima's life - I'lani. Even though Fatima and I'lani's relationship was purely platonic, Hayden couldn't stand the sight of them together, and he was determined to make Fatima suffer. As Hayden's eyes scanned the room frantically, he spotted a gun lying on the nearby table. Without a second thought, he lunged towards it and snatched it up, his fingers wrapping around the cold metal. With shaking hands, he raised the weapon and pointed it in the direction of I'lani. Fatima's eyes widened in terror as she realized what was about to happen, but it was too late. The sound of the gunshot was ear-splitting as the bullet tore through the air, striking I'lani in the chest. A blood-curdling scream escaped her lips, echoing off the walls as she crumpled to the ground, writhing in agony.

Ian's voice shook with anger as he asked, "Why would you do that?" Fatima felt her heart sink as she realized what had happened; she had to get her daughter to the hospital as soon as possible. She hurried out of the building, ignoring the curious looks of passersby. She raced to the nearest hospital, running every red light, her mind racing with a million thoughts. She prayed to every deity she could think of that her daughter would make it, but as she finally arrived at the hospital, her heart sank even further. Nurses and doctors rushed to her side, taking her daughter into emergency surgery. Fatima could do nothing but sit and wait, her mind filled with fear and dread. The surgeon tried his best to stop the bleeding, but it was too late. Her daughter passed away on the operating table. When the surgeon finally emerged from the surgery room, Fatima stood up, her heart beating faster than ever before. The surgeon didn't have to say anything; she could see it on his face. He gave his condolences, and Fatima's world shattered around her.


Ian was staring down the barrel of a gun, held by a mysterious man. "Who are you?" he asked. "That is not one of your biggest concerns," the man replied, waving his gun. Feeling scared inside, Ian tried to act tough. "You don't know who you're messing with. I could wipe your whole existence away. Nobody would know who you are."

The man just laughed. "Ha, that was funny. You wish you were that important. I just have two questions for you. Why didn't you come to your daughter's funeral? You were so low-down that, as a man and a father, you couldn't be there. And how did you feel when you orchestrated her death?"

Ian was shocked. "The fact that you think I had something to do with my daughter's death is crazy. I loved my daughter. She was the reason I kept going. I only wanted what was best for her. "The man confronted Ian, his voice laced with anger and frustration. "How could you claim that you had her best interests in mind when you deliberately exposed her to danger?" he asked, his voice growing louder with each word. "Was it all just to win back her mother? You put her in harm's way, knowing the risks, and yet you claim that you were doing what was best for her? "Ian's response was hesitant and uncertain, his voice trembling with emotion. "I only wanted her to give me another chance to make things right," he said, his words barely audible above the rising tension in the room. "I know I made mistakes, but I thought if I could just show her that I was willing to do whatever it takes to make it work, she would see that I do care about her and our daughter."

Despite my efforts to remain calm and respectful, your behavior has caused me to become upset. I have refrained from any physical aggression towards you, but your actions have been frustrating and disrespectful. I tortured your brother till he was begging me to kill him, just so you know. The man's voice was filled with frustration and anger as he spoke, "You know what? I'm tired of talking to you. Please deliver my message to your brother and let him know I said hi. As for you, rest in hell." The sound of the gunshot followed his words, leaving an eerie silence in the air.- 

"Hello Fatima, my name is Zachary Taylor, but you can call me Zac. I'm here to listen to you and help you in any way I can. Can you please tell me what brought you here today?" Zac asked, his tone welcoming and reassuring.

Fatima took a deep breath and replied, "My daughter was killed in front of me." She sat up straight, her eyes fixed on Zac's face. Zac's heart ached for Fatima, and he said, "I'm so sorry for your loss. What was your daughter's name?"

"Her name was I'lani," Fatima answered, her voice quivering slightly. "She was the best thing that ever happened to me."

Zac felt a lump in his throat as he asked, "Could you please tell me more about her? While talking about her, address her by name. I'd like to get to know her through your words."Fatima's face lit up as she began to describe I'lani. "I'lani was the sweetest little girl you could ever meet. She was always smiling and had the most infectious laugh. She loved playing with her dolls and dressing them up in different outfits. Her aunts, grandparents, and godmother showered her with love and attention, and they bought her anything and everything she wanted. But I'lani wasn't a spoiled child - she was grateful for everything she received and always said 'thank you'."

Zac listened intently to Fatima's words, feeling a sense of warmth and love emanating from her memories of I'lani. He knew that Fatima would need time to process her grief, but he hoped that their conversation would bring her some comfort. "So take me back to the day of her death," Zac said as he looked back up from his clipboard.

Her session goes on for 30 more minutes. As Fatima walked out of his office and closed the door, Zac went to his laptop and began to research Ian and Hayden. 

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