Libidinous Thoughts

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As soon as Fatima stepped into her cozy apartment, she felt a sense of relief. She kicked off her shoes and walked towards her bathroom, feeling the exhaustion from a long day at work weighing heavily on her. She turned on the shower and let the warm water wash away the stress of the day. She took her time, scrubbing away every inch of her skin until she felt refreshed and revitalized.

After she finished her shower, she walked back to her bedroom, feeling the coolness of the tiles on her bare feet. She decided to skip putting on her clothes and instead crawled into bed, feeling the softness of her sheets against her skin. As she lay there, staring at her ceiling, her mind began to wander. Her thoughts drifted towards Zac, the person who had been occupying her thoughts for the past few weeks. She couldn't shake the feeling of being drawn to him, and as she lay there in bed, she found herself consumed by thoughts of him.

"Uhh," Fatima moaned as her hand traveled down her stomach. She closed her eyes and imagined Zac standing over her, teasing her body.

While Zac was driving home, all he could think about was Fatima. He started to feel a bulge in his pants. As he drove up to his house, he couldn't shake off the lewd thoughts that were plaguing his mind about her. He felt a sense of guilt creeping in, as he knew that he shouldn't be thinking such things about her. However, he quickly brushed off that feeling and rushed inside his house. Once inside, he tried to distract himself, but his conscience kept nagging at him, reminding him of the wrongness of his thoughts. He tried his best to ignore it, but the guilt wouldn't go away. While he was in the shower thoughts of her continued to fill his mind. "Fuck" he cursed after stroking himself a couple of times.

The two continued to have lustful thoughts about each other. "Fuck" They both groaned when reaching their peak. It was as if every movement they made was perfectly synchronized as if their bodies were in tune with each other and moved in perfect harmony.

On a Monday morning, Fatima had her weekly therapy session scheduled with Zac, her therapist. She had been looking forward to it all week, but as the time approached, she started feeling a bit nervous. Before entering Zac's office, she took a moment to give herself a pep talk.

Fatima opened up to Zac and shared her experience of having a terrible hangover after a wild night of drinking. She declared that she was done with drinking for good. Zac, with a chuckle, asked Fatima if she meant it. The sound of Zac's laughter sent shivers down her spine, and she couldn't help but feel attracted to him. Despite her earlier statement, Fatima couldn't resist the thought of having a drink with Zac. She laughed and told him that she would definitely drink more in the future, but not anytime soon. As he gazed at her, Zac realized that there was something about her smile that never failed to make his heart skip a beat. Her smile was so warm and infectious that it could light up an entire room. "Well, it looks like our time is almost up," he said, checking his watch. "But I must say, I'm impressed with the progress you've made today. You've been putting in the effort." Zac couldn't help but wonder if he would be seeing her again soon. "By the way, are you free on Wednesday? You canceled your last appointment, so I was just wondering if we could reschedule it."

Fatima is talking to Madam and expresses her admiration for a man, describing him as finer than wine. It has been a little over six months since the heartbreaking loss of her daughter, I'lani, and she has been undergoing therapy for nearly five months now. While it has been a long and difficult journey, she is slowly but surely learning how to cope with the loss and is finding solace in the fact that she is handling the situation better with each passing day. Madam still wants to find Ian and Hayden and kill them both, but Fatima tells her not to because God will handle it.

The night after Zac had those lewd thoughts about Fatima, he couldn't help but go out and fill that void. He went to a party and met a stripper named Asia. They slept together once and Zac didn't want to hurt her in the process, so he cut it off with her. A couple of times Asia had tried to get Zac to take her back. She even went so far as to stalking him. Fatima has been struggling to keep her feelings under control lately. She finds herself still having lustful thoughts about Zac whom she has grown to be a genuine friend. It's becoming increasingly difficult for her to suppress her emotions around him. Despite her effort to keep things platonic between them, Fatima finds herself drawn to him. The constant battle to maintain a friendly relationship with this person while trying to control her impulses is starting to take a toll on her. Zac and Fatima seem to have established a consistent and well-defined pattern of behavior, where they make it a point to go out together every Friday evening and catch up on each other's lives. In addition to their weekly outings, they also maintain regular communication through phone calls, talking to each other virtually every single day.

"Zac, so I went back to work right, and it was this new girl who started working there right? And this bitch had the nerve to say that I was a whore because she saw me hug Amir, like bitch I don't want that fat nigga." Fatima explained to Zac while they were on the phone, she was telling him about her day at work. "Fatima what did you say back," Zac said laughing real hard. "I told the hoe that it is better to fuck herself in traffic than to play with me. Then the hoe saw me in the parking lot and tried to run up on me, so I popped her in her mouth and went on about my evening." Fatima said shrugging. Throughout the night, the two individuals remained on the phone, engrossed in conversation. As the hours passed by, they shared stories from their past, discussed their hopes and dreams for the future, and talked about their favorite hobbies and interests. Despite the late hour, neither of them wanted to end the call, as they were both thoroughly enjoying the deep and meaningful conversation they were having. The soft glow of the moonlight provided a serene backdrop to their conversation, adding to the peaceful and calm ambiance of the moment.

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