My Peace

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"Zac, I don't think it's that serious," Fatima said with a furrowed brow, the two were currently arguing about where they should take their trip. "Fatima, it's not about me though, it's about you, so just pick," Zac said, his voice tinged with frustration, while still emphasizing the fact that this trip is about her. "Okay, fine. I wanna go somewhere with water. I honestly just want to be with you," Fatima said softly, her eyes searching Zac's for understanding. Zac knew this was the best it was going to get. It had been almost a month since Zac got back from Mexico. When he got back, all he wanted to do was to be close to Fatima. The memories of their last trip together still lingered in his mind, and he longed for more moments like those with her.

"Good morning, Ms. Wilson," her secretary greeted her as she carefully placed the neatly wrapped box on her desk. "Thank you," Fatima responded with a warm smile, acknowledging the young girl's thoughtful gesture. Before the secretary could close the door, Fatima's coworker and friend Andi breezed into the office and settled into one of the plush chairs. "Hey, Tima," Andi greeted her with a wide smile. "Hey, Ms. Nosy," Fatima teased, sharing a chuckle with her friend. "Come on, what are you waiting for? Open the box," Andi urged eagerly.

As Fatima carefully untied the ribbon and lifted the lid of the box, her face lit up with a radiant smile. Inside was a lavish bouquet of pristine white roses accompanied by a card that simply read, "Just because I love you." "Tima got herself a man," Andi exclaimed, beaming with joy. "Yeah, that's my man. I love him so much," Fatima replied, her smile growing even wider.The fragrance of the roses filled the room, and Fatima's heart swelled with happiness. She couldn't believe that her partner had surprised her with such a beautiful gift. The gesture was so thoughtful and unexpected, it made her appreciate her relationship even more.

Andi leaned forward, eager to know more. "Tell me everything! How did he do it? When did he find the time to arrange this?" Andi's excitement was contagious, and Fatima couldn't help but share the sweet details of how Zac had secretly planned this surprise amidst their busy schedules.

As she recounted the story, the office buzzed with the warmth of friendship and love. The simple yet grand gesture from Zac had touched not only her heart but also those around her. It was a reminder of the power of love and thoughtfulness in brightening even the busiest of days."Hey baby," Zac said, leaning in to greet Fatima with a tender kiss on the lips as they met up for a leisurely lunch date. The couple settled into their seats at the quaint restaurant, enjoying the cozy ambiance. The soft glow of the sunlight streaming through the windows created a warm and inviting atmosphere. As they began to catch up and share updates about their day, the friendly waiter approached their table with a warm smile. "Hi, welcome. Can I get you something to drink?"

"Could we both have a lemonade, please?" Fatima requested as she perused the menu. The gentle hum of background chatter and the clinking of cutlery filled the air, adding to the restaurant's inviting charm. Once the waiter left to fetch their drinks, the couple resumed their conversation, smiling and enjoying each other's company.

Shortly after, the waiter returned with their drinks, the glasses glistening with condensation in the warm, ambient light. He addressed Fatima, "Here you go, beautiful." Fatima felt a mix of surprise and discomfort at the comment. "Thank you, but I'm here with my boyfriend. It's inappropriate," she responded, meeting the waiter's eyes with a firm gaze. The waiter looked apologetic and replied, "I'm sorry, I thought he was your friend," before quietly leaving the table.Zac chuckled and remarked, "That comment turned me on," grinning at Fatima. Before they could continue their conversation, a new waiter approached their table with an apologetic expression. "Hello, I am so sorry for the way my coworker acted. Are you both ready to order?" The sincere apology from the new waiter helped alleviate the tension, and the couple proceeded to place their orders, looking forward to enjoying their meal in each other's company.

As Fatima lay next to Zac, her eyes fixed on the ceiling, she hesitated for a moment before speaking. The soft glow of the bedside lamp casts a warm, intimate ambiance in the room. "Zac, I've been thinking about something important," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper, tinged with a hint of nervousness. Turning to face her, Zac instantly picked up on the seriousness in her tone. Concern furrowed his brow as he gazed at her, waiting for her to continue.

"What is it, babe?" he asked, his expression filled with concern, his hand reaching out to gently caress her arm. Fatima mirrored his movement, her eyes drifting down to her nails as she gathered her thoughts, her fingers nervously intertwining. The weight of her question hung in the air for a moment before she found the courage to voice it.

"Do you see us having kids in the future?" she inquired, her voice trembling with uncertainty. Zac's gaze softened as he met her eyes, his thumb tenderly brushing against her hand. "Yeah, I've thought about it," he replied, his tone gentle and reassuring. "I think two kids would be nice, but only when you're ready."

A small, relieved smile tugged at the corners of Fatima's lips, a glimmer of excitement lighting up her eyes. "Two sounds perfect. I've always wanted a son," she revealed a hint of enthusiasm in her voice. Zac's heart swelled with affection as he listened to her, his love for her growing even stronger at that moment.

"Well, I guess we should start practicing then," Zac teased, raising an eyebrow playfully before pulling her in for affectionate kisses, the love between them filling the room with warmth and contentment.

Fast forward three months and Zac's birthday was just around the corner. Fatima had been meticulously planning the perfect surprise for him. Despite getting him numerous gifts, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was forgetting something. As the days passed, she spent hours brainstorming and making sure everything was just right for Zac's special day. "Zac, please just pick something," she urged, feeling slightly exasperated. "Fine, I want to get you pregnant," Zac replied with a mischievous grin. "I'll think about it," Fatima replied playfully before snuggling up to Zac as they prepared to sleep.

As the day of Zac's birthday approached, Fatima's excitement bubbled over. She meticulously coordinated with friends and family to ensure that everything was in place for the big surprise. The venue was filled with decorations, and friends and family eagerly awaited Zac's arrival. When he walked in, everyone shouted "Surprise!" Zac turned to Fatima and pulled her into a tender kiss, expressing his love for her. "I love you too," Fatima replied, her heart racing with anticipation.

As the hours passed, the moment finally arrived for Fatima to reveal her surprise. "Baby, please open the box," she said, her voice filled with excitement and nervousness. As Zac opened the box, he first read the note, his eyes widening with surprise as he took in the heartfelt words. He then looked at the other items inside, his expression shifting from curiosity to realization. After he finished reading, his gaze settled on the sign that said "Congratulations Daddy." Inside the box were a pregnancy test and ultrasound pictures that revealed the news: "Double the trouble, It's Twins." "I'm going to be a dad," Zac exclaimed, prompting applause and cheers from everyone in the room. As the festivities wound down, Zac lay on the bed, his heart full of gratitude and love. He turned to Fatima and said, "Thank you, baby, for everything." Fatima smiled, her eyes shining with happiness. "You don't have to thank me. I love you so much," she replied, her voice filled with warmth. Zac gazed into her eyes and declared, "I love you more than anything. I'm going to marry you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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