V. we are the champions

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( real life )November 7th, 2022Iowa vs Southern U 87        ||        34Carver-Hawkeye Arena

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( real life )
November 7th, 2022
Iowa vs Southern U
87 || 34
Carver-Hawkeye Arena


It had been several weeks since I had last saw Kate, or heard from her. Even though I really wanted to text her and apologize for the whole thing, I was still terrified that if we spoke again I'd blow up. Therefore I decided to keep my distance just like I had done years prior, even though this time I have Ysa nagging me to text the girl every five seconds.

"Ok can we get some dancers and cheerleaders on both sides of the team!" the photographer asked bringing me out of my thoughts. She then pointed at me to go on the other side, which I just smiled and nodded to as she got up and walked over. I fell into my spot, which happened to be right beside the blonde I had been avoiding like the plague. I gave a tight smile as I stood an awkward distance away from her, "Move in yall" the woman laughed before I moved closer to the girl beside me.

As everyone bent down I felt the girls hand resting on the small of my exposed back. Suddenly Kate's hand felt like it was on fire against my skin causing my back to be engulfed in goosebumps. Why do I feel like this?

After several flashes her hand was removed just as quickly as it was placed, but the touch of her hand still lingered almost as if it was still there. Kate's back was now towards me as she talked to her teammates and I could feel my heart start to beat quickly as my hand found its way to her arm causing her to turn around and look down at me.

"Can we talk...again? I promise I won't get angry this time" I spoke quietly for only her to hear as I messed with the pompoms in my hands hoping she would agree.

"Yeah, I'll meet you outside the arena after I change" Kate replied nodding her head before she looked around the arena seeing her teammates heading for the locker room. I gave her a small smile before she ran off wrapping her arm around Caitlin's shoulders.

I then walked in the opposite direction, meeting Ysa in the middle as she threw her arm around me, "Chipotle?" she asked leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Can't, I'm talking with Kate" I reply as I open the large doors leading us out into the parking lot.

"Talking or talking?" Ysa looks at me with a look of suspicion in her eyes.

"Ew! Gross!" I hit her arm before covering my face and shaking my head, "Get your head out the gutter" I roll my eyes dropping my bag on the cement to pull my hoddie out of it.

"Maybe that's what y'all need to do" the blonde said grabbing onto the straps of her backpack.

"You're disgusting" I laugh throwing my hoddie on over my uniform.

"Well you love me, so who cares" she shrugs before looking behind her and seeing someone walk towards us, "Shit—it's that girl who was trying to flirt with you" Ysa smiles poking my arm.


"Well looks like I'll be leaving" she smiles walking away as I beg her to stay but it's too late as the girl I had just seen over my phone is standing in front of me.

"Indigo, right?" she asks with a smile on her face and her hands resting in her pockets.

"Yeah, um I'm assuming you're Starr?" I question with a small smile tugging at my lips. Why the fuck is she even more attractive in person.

"Mhm" she nods her head, "I was just wondering if you'd maybe wanna go out sometime? I just saw you on Insta and thought you were cool" she asks tossing some of her brown hair behind her back.

"Yeah I'd really like that" I smile nodding my head, "here let me give you my number" I say pulling my phone out my bag. I unlock my phone before handing it to her with the number across the screen, then as soon as she hands the phone back to me I feel presence behind me.

"You ready?" I hear Kate's voice ask causing me to turn around and look up at her.

"Mhm" I hum nodding my head.

"I'll text ya" Starr smiles before Kate places her hand on my back like she had done earlier during pictures, making that same feeling arise again.

"Ok!" I smile before Kate has us walk to her car, keeping her hand in the same place the entire time.

allie's corner.
erm someone seems jealous

anywho here is baefy starr

anywho here is baefy starr

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