XVI. matcha

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( real life )

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( real life )


I quickly unlocked the hotel room and kicked the door open with my foot as my hands held our drinks and food. When I walked in Kate was sitting on her phone leaned up against the headboard. "So I wasn't going crazy when you asked if I wanted matcha this morning" Kate giggled getting off the bed and walking towards me. "Thank you"

"It's still hot so I'd be careful" I warned setting the food down on the little desk table thing in the room. I sat down in the chair as Kate sat down on the bed across from me.

"How'd you sleep?" she asked taking a sip of her matcha, ignoring my warning, which made her make a face at the hot sensation.

"Good! Yeah, real good!" I nodded almost trying to convince myself, "You?"

"Well I mean someone was fighting me the entire night" she spoke giving me a knowing look over her cup.

"In my defense you're a blanket hog!" I exclaimed putting my hands up.

"It was really fucking cold!" Kate laughed before blowing into her matcha cup trying to cool it off.

As we both sat there drinking our drinks and eating some of the food I had bought the hotel door launched open with Ysa running inside. "Hide me! Caitlin's gonna tackle me!" she yelled hiding behind Kate.

"Why am I your shield?" Kate questioned turning around as Caitlin came running inside next.

"Will you please tell her to give me my snacks back" Caitlin pleaded with a fake frown on her lips.

"Ysa" I looked over at the blonde who held several bags of chips in her hands.

"Come on!" Ysa groaned looking over Kate's shoulder at me.

"Come on, give them back to the friendly giant" I gave her a jokingly stern look until she finally fessed up the snacks and threw them at the girl.

"Thank you" Cait smiled receiving them, "We should probably get ready for practice" the girl then said putting her focus on Kate before she got up.

"Bye" the blonde smiled leaving the room.

"Soooo" Ysa spoke sang-songy, "how was your night with Kate?" she asked raising her eyebrows up and down.

"I should be asking you that" I said pointing at her, "Plus I already told you everything" I shrugged popping a piece of food in my mouth.

˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆

|| KATE'S POV ||

"What? Is there something on me?" I asked stopping in my tracks and looking down at my clothes because of Caitlin's constant weird looks and staring.

"Nope" she just shook her head.

"Then why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned cocking my head to side.

"Don't worry about it" Caitlin smiled, but I could tell she was hiding something, as she started walking again. I ran up to catch up with her pulling at the strap on my shoulder.

"Tell meee" I begged, still walking beside her.

"I swore I wouldn't" Caitlin said keeping her eyes focused straight ahead of her. I let out a long sigh that caused her to roll her eyes as we entered into the gym that the hotel had. Some of the girls were already in there stretching and shooting around. Me and Caitlin sat our bags down on the floor before I removed my sweatshirt and threw it on my bag before I started doing leg stretches.

"Cait, come on" I said pulling my knee to my chest and stretching back. The brunette just placed her fingers to her mouth making a zipper motion to them. "You're annoying" I rolled my eyes playfully shoving her. We stayed silent for a few minutes until there was a loud blare of a whistle blow through the air causing everyone to run over to our coach.

Coach Bluder explained the different plays we would be going through today, so that we're ready for our game against UConn tomorrow. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous for the game, but it was slightly consuming my thoughts. But I was taken out of that when we all put our hands in the middle and shouted before breaking the huddle and heading out to the court.

˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆

I grabbed my water bottle out of my bag taking a long sip of it as I slung my bag onto my back and tried brushing some of my fly aways out of my face. "You going back to our room?" I asked looking over at Caitlin who was stuffing her bag with different items that she had taken out through practice. The brunette then grabbed a snack out of her bag and opened it, eating a few chips.

"I think I'm going to get food with Ysa" Caitlin nodded as we started our walk out of the gym. As we were walking out I felt someone jump my back and when I turned my head it was Jada staring at me with a smile on her face.

"Indi and me are gonna go get some food" she smiled walking around, so that she was now walking beside me.

"Whatcha getting?" I asked curiously, turning my attention towards her, as Caitlin stayed silent eating her snack.

"Not sure. Gabbie might also join..." Jada said nodding her head, "I'm praying Gabbie picks because neither of us can my a decision for shit" she laughed, "Ya know...you should come!" Jada smiled brightly nudging me in the side.

"I'm not gonna invite myself" I said shaking my head as we entered into the lobby.

"You're not because I'm inviting you" Jada said making a 'duh' face as we entered into the elevator and Caitlin clicked the number of our floor.

"I'll think about it Jades" I smiled, which earned me a smile back from the girl.

"Yay! Indi is gonna be so happy" Jada smiled pulling me into a hug.

"Ew, you're stinky" I laughed jokingly pushing her off of me making her pout dramatically.

"You love me" Jada protested smushing me into another hug and then attempting to trap Caitlin as well.

"Do not bring me into this" Caitlin laughed dropping through Jada's arms, so she was out of the hug.

"You both are so annoying" Jada rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as the elevator doors opened. We all made our way out having me and Caitlin head down one side of the hallway and Jada the other, as she walked to her and Gabbie's room.

allie's corner.
this is so bad i'm sorry😭

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