XXXV. lucky charm

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Send me eyes with knowingThat I could pull it off

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Send me eyes with knowing
That I could pull it off

"Indi please," the blonde begged, trying to shove her jersey in the other girls hands. "If you're wearing any jersey on Saturday, I want it to be mine."

"Jada already said I could wear hers though," Indigo countered. She was sat on the edge of Kate's bed holding herself up by her arms behind her as she looked at the girl in front of her, who was trying to come up with why she should wear her jersey instead.

"Ysas wearing Caitlin's," was the first thing that popped into her mind as she stopped her movements and stood in front of Indigo.

"Well, duh, they're dating," the brunette laughed as she sat up straight.

"And you're my best friend!" she argued, holding the number 20 jersey in her hands. "Please," Kate's voice had quieted down from how it was only a few seconds ago, as she sat down beside Indigo.

"I don't know. I think 23 looks good on me," Indigo shrugged, turning her body to face Kate.

"Well, I think you'd look good in 20," Kate responded, and without even thinking her hand came up to Indigo's face as she brushed some of her hair behind her ear.

"Really?" Indigo's voice is barely above a whisper as her eyes meet Kate's blue ones. And without realizing, the two scooted closer to each other, Kate's knee ghosting Indigo's, making contact ever so slightly.

Kate just hummed in response as she didn't trust herself to speak in that moment. She was already holding herself back from grabbing the girls face and pulling her into a kiss.

Obviously Kate knew Indigo's feelings, but they were only ever spoken when the brunette was drunk. And you can say whatever about drunk words are sober thoughts, but Kate wants to hear those words come out of an Indigo who had control over what left her mouth.

"So, you'll wear it?" Kate asked, looking into Indigo's as she bit back a smile.

"Guess you'll have to see," Indigo smiled, as she took the jersey out of Kate's hands and put it in her lap. The two just looked at each other with the stupidest smiles on their faces as they sat in silence, to anyone else it was obvious that they had feelings for one another, but to them they were to scared to actually admit anything.

"Kate!" a voice yelled as a tall girl with brown hair entered the room abruptly, "Oh shit—was I interrupting something—,"

"No, no, I was just leaving," Indi smiled, getting off the bed as she held the jersey close to her body, "I'll see y'all at the game," she said as she gave Kate a quick side hug before disappearing out of the room leaving Caitlin and Kate alone.

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