XXIII. is it true you care

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Would you still want me if I didn't have it all

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Would you still want me
if I didn't have it all

December 21, Holiday Sweater Game
Iowa vs Dartmouth
92    ||    54
Hawkeye Win

Indigo had been out of the hospital for a week now and was back to being at the basketball games. She wasn't allowed to do anything besides sit on the bench and watch her teammates try to hype the crowd up.

The girl sat messing with the end of her sweaters sleeve as watched the game. Even thought it wasn't a close game, with Iowa always being up, she was still nervous about having the possibility of facing Kate. She hated the fact that she had to listen to what Starr was telling her because she knew if she didn't she would be yelled at.

And once she had found out Kate visited her while in the hospital it seemed like her protectiveness had been turned up 100 notches. She had basically made Indigo move into her apartment because she said "I can't trust you at yours because Caitlin might bring Kate around, and I don't wanna deal with that" as the excuse for not letting her stay there.

And surprisingly Starr had not been hurt during the car accident besides a minor concussion, so she was fine in no time.

As the time had gotten to only 8 seconds left in the game Jada had made a bucket causing the Aro girl to jump to her feet and scream her name showing her support. The other team then got the ball, but the shot clock rang loudly through the air announcing Dartmouths defeat.

Indigo stood back watching the cheer and dance team go to the floor to congratulate the girls on their win. She headed to her dance bag as she was planning on leaving right after the game. But when she lifted her eyes up she saw Kate embracing Sienna in a tight hug and spinning the girl around. She knew that seeing that shouldn't hurt her the way it does because after all she is with someone too. But it still felt like a strike to the gut knowing their relationship was all sunshine's and rainbows compared to the one she had gotten into. And as she was thinking of that she felt her phone buzz.

 And as she was thinking of that she felt her phone buzz

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